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linda.m.amundsen.1 last won the day on June 6 2015

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About linda.m.amundsen.1

  • Birthday 03/01/1966

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  • Location
    20 minutes from downtown St. Paul
  • Interests
    God, freshwater plants, shrimp fish, and family.
  • Inverts You Keep
    I currently have a 10 gallon low tech planted tank with 3 amano shrimp and 5 orange sakura shrimp. Looking to get some blue rili shrimp and tangerine tigers to add to it.
    Once I get my blue, I have a friend who will be taking the orange sakuras.

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  1. This is what can happen when you keep a crayfish in a community tank. Found this poor girl still alive this morning.
  2. How about keyhole cichlids? They are great community fish and max out at 4-5 inches. No bright colors, but they hace a lovely, old fashioned skeleton key shaped pattern on their sides.
  3. 1. Duff0712 2. Shrimpie 3. 07armando17 4. Shrimpfreak 5. RyeGuy411 6. Chiumanfu 7. TheGardenofEder 8. Jaykidding 9. Marali 10. Dr0p 11. Crazy4fids
  4. Found my first casualty this afternoon Poor little guy!
  5. I thought it was the opposite - will grow flatter with low light and mote upright with high light. This would make more sense to me. Unlike a bunch plant that csn grow fast and reach for the light, a sword can't. So to get more light on its leaf surfaces, it spreads out so the plant has more surface area touched by light
  6. I forgot to add my questions about a test kit. I already have a tds pen and plan on getting a pH stick. Would itake more sense to buy my liquid test kits seperately? Ammonia, nitrate, kh/gh, or just buy a master test kit and add to it?
  7. fids = furred, feathered, and finned kids!
  8. Good to meet ya! Gotta love a fellow 'crazy'!
  9. http://www.seachem.com/Products/product_pages/ParaGuard.html I've done a ton of reading on this forum this week anf it sounds like a lot of people are using it as a remedy for lots of stuff.
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