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  1. He is saying i should get 25% chance of TB this way . Also i hope i am not derailing the thread ,my bad if i am .
  2. Thanks for the answers,i recently got 15 R1 mischlings from Germany, and i just wondered what it was i should be looking for if and when they have babys
  3. Noob question here but i thought i would ask seeing as you all seem to know what you are talking about with TB. What actually is the difference between a CRS/CBS and a TB ?
  4. Hello. In my experience the white band of death occurs when water perimeters change to fast.e.g doing a water changes to quick. I do my water changes over the course of hours and never see this problem anymore. Infact i am doing a 70 liter water change right now in a 140 liter tank thats been dripped back into the tank over the course of 4hrs. The reason for such a large water change is to remove any bad elements in the water and also to induce the shrimp into breeding.
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