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Soothing Shrimp

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Posts posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. So to understand where the blue came from, one has to hear the story about how BB were developed.


    *This is the story I've heard from breeders awhile back. 


    Gather 'round the campfire, kids. :bbq:


    When the original mutation of TB panda occurred from CBS, there was not too many of them as you could have guessed.  The solid coloration made them an instant interest though.  To increase odds of more TB, they were bred to CBS, then back bred.  Low and behold- more popped up. 


    Remember, this was back in the day when people were breeding CBS to snows to increase grade.  So, the idea came to try breeding a TB to a snow to see what would happen.  A male snow was bred to a black female TB, then a F1 male was back bred to the black female TB.  One of the results that was thrown was a Blue Bolt.


    Now, given that a regular snow sometimes shows expression of some blue or red in the cheek area, the unanswered questions are:


    Is the blue from snow allowed to spread across the body because of the TB mutation?


    Or does the blue come from TB, and the snow allow the expression?



    *Now there is a theory that TB may really a TiB.


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