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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Give us background on it. Where did you get it, how long have you had it, environment, etc.
  2. Hmmm... most have slipped my mind, however I know 2 posts: crazyfishlady used it http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/2977-dream-blue-neos-how-to-do-it-backwards/?view=findpost&p=52047, and charis http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/2373-shrimp-deaths/?view=findpost&p=43569
  3. I have an LG L90. Any suggestions for a nice macro lens to attach?
  4. You're welcome. I hate when shrimpers have problems.
  5. I sometimes use the work "Like" if I'm unsure. Ie. Peacock-like moss.
  6. Heyya Chris, The males deposit a sperm packet beneath the female. When the eggs travel through the body and exit, they have to pass through the packet to get to the swimmerets. Most eggs hatch after fert, provided the male is not sterile, and teh female can hold onto the eggs long enough. IN a healthy environment, usually both present no problems, although the first time or two for the fems it is not uncommon for them to drops eggs while going the the process of learning how to carry them. Neo eggs can be different colors, as well as mischling cards.
  7. Yeah. Sadly that has happened to many people.
  8. I think BB and RB can breed tru-ish. There's been lots of discussion/theories about whether red/blue bolts are actually a variant of snows since many snows have blue or red cheeks. Some theorize the only difference is the amount of coloration on the white. I readily admit that I do not have enough hands on experience with TB to know the answer, but it's fun reading about theories just the same.
  9. I can well imagine cataloging mosses is extremely hard and may have to be re-placed as one learns more!
  10. I'm guessing black, but looks good man!
  11. mosura rich water may be driving your ph down (?) Not unusual to have deaths in 6.5ph for neos in my experience.
  12. Looking good. BTW I saw your bag and thought it said Buy More, which immediately sent my mind to the TV show Chuck. LOL
  13. My overnight shipping experiences have been they arrive about as fast as priority. I just use Priority to receive now.
  14. I know with neos it ages them faster as is evident by watching newly hatched shrimp go from babies to adults. In 80+F tanks I've had it happen in as little as 2 weeks, but when disease hits, it hits hard and fast, so I dropped back temps.
  15. I find this interesting as well: "Yes, you need to declare. Shipping in to or out of the US. No, you don't need an Import/Export license unless you are a commercial shipper. The caveat is that if you are shipping large numbers, they may assume you are shipping in commercial quantities. (For instance: You may need to document why you need 25 examples of the same species.) Trading/barter, as long as it's non-commercial, should not require an I/E license. You probably won't be dealing with any Agents. Most of the USFWS you'll deal with are Wildlife Inspectors. You can look up the regs yourself from the citations I quoted in earlier posts. Read more: http://insectnet.proboards.com/thread/2156/situation#ixzz3o4cqUdIE" I think what we need is an expert to talk directly on our board. I may be able to invite a US fish and wildlife official to start a thread and answer posts if you'd like.
  16. Shrimpers would pay a lot for a pure strain like that. I've heard rumors of them, but never verified.
  17. I've had shrimp get lost by the usps for two weeks and arrive okay at their destination. So the co2 exchange works well.
  18. Welcome to our insanity! I think you'll fit right in.
  19. That's where I've been getting them. I know they have them at currency exchanges, too. Just seems weird to me that I can send money through the web, even send out a check electronically or print one, but nothing for MO.
  20. I've heard of people putting double sponges on both ends, and others lining the back wall with them.
  21. http://www.kensfish.com/cgi-kensfish/sb/productsearch.cgi?storeid=*14884f2aaab140560cc4d786 Cost is around $30-40 depending on the size you need. Temp range is around 60's to 90's F. Wattage ranges from 50w to 300w depending on model. Unfortunately it's too expensive for all my tanks since they are not on a central system, but in my dreams I'd have one for every tank. I like them that much, and it minimizes risk as chib said!
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