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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I use ViaAqua remote heaters for my warm water shrimp. Never had a problem with them. I'm sure other companies make them, too. It has three cords: 1)Black electric cord to the outlit 2)Black thermometer cord with a black "bullet"/suction cup on the end you put away from the heater in your tank so it can read the temp of the water 3)Black cord to the stick heater in your tank I have an old manual dial version and digital I like the digital one best- and I think that may be all they sell now (?), but if the power goes out, it has a safety of resetting itself to 78 when the power comes back on. Again, they have new models since mine though. Both work beautifully. I just pounded a nail/screw into the wall and put my controller on it.
  2. One tip to not go hog wild on the water changes. Unless params are exact each time, this can really stress them out if done repeatedly. If inside is paper white, it's bacterial. If wax paper, sometimes tissue density is different from shrimp to shrimp. Took me years to learn that. Remove any suspected individuals to an isolation tank. Doesn't have to be fancy- even a plastic storage container can be fine. Lots of different courses of treatments, but none proven very effective. Usually once the whole body is white, they're a goner, and you don't want to risk one dying and infecting others through ingestion. However, having said that- A promising treatment has been Seachem Kanaplex at regular dosage. If the bacteria is a negative form, it has possibilities of working. I know some shrimpers who said it worked wonders for them.
  3. Here's some of my Nessies I took yesterday eve. A berried Nessie A blue-green Nessie on moss A colony shot Another colony shot Click on the photos and they'll be larger. In the colony shots you can really see the different shades of green.
  4. Makes sense since the twinstar makes H202. "I had no problems with the adult shrimps since originally getting them from the US, so why all of a sudden with the new arrivals did my other shrimps start to die? I would love to hear if anyone else has had this problem." Monty, sometimes shrimp are healthy and are used to their own bacteria in their own environment. When adding new healthy shrimp to a colony of healthy shrimp, there's always a small risk either strain will not be used to the new bacteria and be affected by it. In this case the easiest care is a water reset to remove most bacteria in the water and give time for bacteria to reproduce again slowly while the shrimp are growing accustomed to it. Sounds crazy since bacteria reproduces so fast, but it seems to work pretty well.
  5. I use the 7 x 13 Kordons now. The bottom is elastic strapped, which reduces corners which is nice. I miss the latex feel/stretch the smaller ones had though. These feel so much like poly to me, which I'm just not crazy about- but they all do now. I seal by tying one knot, then further up tying another. I could probably do rubber bands, but I'm lazy and that's extra work and another thing to buy.
  6. Pink with sparkles is my daughter's favorite color. heh Maybe I should use that type of paint pen on my tanks to peak her interest.
  7. Oh no! What happened to you guys to be on the ER list? A huge shout out to Dr0p! Dr0p read about my recent shrimp tragedy and is sending me some yellows out of the goodness of heart to help rebuild my strain! Thank you!
  8. I keep moss at 80+ and no problems.
  9. I wouldn't worry about the equilibrium. Tomorrow remin, change most of the water out, and hopefully it will stop/slow down the deaths. The big thing right now (assuming it is introduced bacteria/pathogen) is to remove most of it, and let the good bacteria have a change to take over.
  10. If you think it is the introduced bacteria, are you able to isolate the one tank it is affecting, and do a water reset?
  11. Anyone know where I can print a Money Order from online?
  12. Could very well be so. By taking the quick way to breed Pintos, one is further away from the original genetics cross- hence coloration may have to be worked on to be improved. However if I were to be crossing these, I know I'd be impatient. LOL
  13. Anyone know what that powder is on the new Kordon Breather Bags?
  14. Shipping stress can cause lots of things. Sometimes shrimp die from too much stress in shipping, sometimes ammonia(-ium) poisoning, sometimes by temperature change or rough handling, hell- sometimes they eat each other and some are magically missing when they arrive. I've heard/seen almost all of these things. However this next experience is a new one on me. I've sent out hundreds of shipments and I've never had this happen before: I recently sent out a package of shrimp from a tank that is healthy, and after three days they arrived with the recipient saying the water was cloudy and the shrimp were beginning to show signs of infection. (This is a well known person and a friend of mine, so I have faith that he is telling the truth.) At the same time, other packages from the same tank arrived to other destinations just fine. After us shrimpers began discussing back and forth what could have possibility happened, we came up with the theory that shrimp may be much like other animals and carry diseases that are kept in check all the time and not harmful when healthy- BUT put that same healthy animal under extreme stress, and the immune system becomes compromised and any disease may prevail and take over. It's the only shipment I've ever had like this, and it seems to make sense. I'm just fascinated that it could start causing problems in only three days. I learn new things all the time in shrimping!
  15. Contribute it to hands on learning. We are determined that there be few secrets in shrimping here. I think that's one thing that sets us apart from other forums. The more people know, the more success in shrimping, and the more our hobby will grow which is good for everyone.
  16. There is an additional REMOTE possibility IF you introduced shrimp recently. Sensitivity to introduced bacteria. Shrimp in one aquarium have gotten used to their own bacteria in their environment. Put those same shrimp in another tank/environment and one of two things can happen. 1) Nothing and both shrimp strains do fine. 2) one of either strain will start dying because they are not used to the newly added bacteria from the opposite environment. (Most people never experience this.) Not saying this is what is happening because a majority of the time you won't see this, however sometimes it does happen. I own three racks of tanks and I've seen it- but only due to working with so many shrimp. Usually the deaths will start happening within the first 1-2 weeks of introduction. But again, the odds are against it- especially if you own just a small number of shrimp tanks.
  17. Your deaths may be related to water params instead. (?)
  18. One reason I love neos so much is that they aren't as sensitive as some other shrimp. For SS gh+ Rule of thumb is 6gh = ~100TDS All I use is gh+ as well.
  19. My favorite of my heaters are the remote control ones. I can set the temperature from the outside of my tank instead of having to adjust under water every time.
  20. Oh yea, make sure the tank is glass if using permanent. I have no experience with permanent and acrylic.
  21. Sucks to have that happen. I had something happen top my neos recently. I feel for ya.
  22. I write the params on my tank. I used to use a dry erase, now I use a permanent. It comes right off with a wet rag and rubbing.
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