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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Strong flow would definitely stress, but I don't know if it would be enough to kill them. Are you using remin RO or tap?
  2. For the last 3 months or so, I've been thinking of buying a glass egg tumbler. Moved some stuff in my shrimp room and found I bought one already when they first came out! LOL I had completely forgotten about it! Now if I can only get the money together for a shrimp breeding box. Seems like every time I have the $35, I write, make sure it is in stock, get ready to pay, and then some family thing pops up and I lose that money again. *sigh* That happens a lot...
  3. Thanks, Deta. She's an independent kid at only 6 yrs old. I'll have to keep a watch on her as she grows! heh I'm super glad my Nessies have survived too. I've worked so hard on that line, I would take it pretty hard if anything happened to them. That's one reason I needed to start offering them- so others were able to work with them too. The other reason was to help pay my daughter's gym bills.
  4. Protein is a weird thing. My Malawas crave it and it has no ill effects that I've seen from them. Neos and cards seem to have a problem with too much.
  5. I understand how you could think that, shrimpybusiness. However my BBRR tank throws those types of dark blue rili randomly as well.
  6. Thanks guys. She's doing fine now. They were debating how many stitches, but my daughter said she didn't want a scar...so they rigged up some steristrips and glue. heh Stung, but heck- she's tough. Wygglz, I like that about this forum too. Even the experienced shrimpers can let their hair down here and tell about bad experiences so we all can learn together.
  7. Time to update my journal, I guess. heh Some good things and some not so good things happened in my shrimping this year. My Nessies have been doing great for me. I find it very strange that painteds will be thrown along side of green cherry Nessies. Colors have ranged from bluish, bluish green, lime greens, dark hunter greens and bright kelly greens. Seems even the bluish ones will throw greens, so I don't bother to worry about those anymore. It's still weird to me that the colors change when the lights go out as opposed to when the lights come on. Just a weird strain over all, but hands down my favorite. The black rose I bought looks like my better chocolates. *shrugs* Not really black, but dark browns. Oh well. I'll mix a couple males from my Diamond line with them to see what happens. Tragedy struck my shrimp room this year, and I lost shrimp strains and more than a few projects. *sigh* I was so bummed by this, I did very minimal maintenance on my tanks for a few months while I concentrated on my arts. Now I'm back and trying to clean up the tanks that I let become over run with hair algae and duckweed. Hate that stuff. Need to do lots of water changes too. Ironically my shrimp don't seem to mind, but I sure do! So why the loss? My shrimp room has lots of temp flux. I bone headingly decided to see what would happen if I pulled my heaters out for the winter. Naturally the temps dropped, while rising sharply in the warmer weather, In short, no matter how hardy my shrimp were, most tanks couldn't handle it. Learned my very expensive lesson. So, this poor breeder is starting again on many shrimp strains, but still focusing on neos. I still have: Nessies Chocolates DBV Blue Splotched Carbons some Diamond Shrimp and now only a few snowballs yellows orange rilis BBRR Other: Malawa some Red Claw Shrimp That's about what's left from ~60 tanks. UGH! Sat my daughter gashed her forehead at gymnastics. She and I had just finsihed lunch together during break, and she hopped off her chair, and ran back into the gym. I threw away the sandwich bag, turned around and there was the coach carrying my 6 yr old daughter out the door with half her face covered with blood. So a trip to the emergency room to put the cut on her forehead back together again, and she walked out back to her old self with mom and dad. Every sport has its injuries, and she just took this in stride and said, "When can I get back to gymnastics?" LOL She may not be at the top of her team, but she sure does enjoy it!
  8. TB can throw just about anything from my understanding.
  9. Gh is fine for neos and the softness from what you feel is the shell before it hardens yet. Is the tissue turning white before dying?
  10. The blue is hidden away in the genetics. Out of the red rili came BBRR (Blue Bodied Red Rili) and blue rili. (All blue tissue)...well... BV too, but lets not confuse the issue. People have created strains for both. It is actually pretty common. In my experience it is easier to add color in than try to take color out, so my guess is unless you cull, you will slowly have blue tissue take over your colony.
  11. Yeah, kinda weird. Seems the petco stores have the same sale at different times.
  12. List Price: $2,511.00 Price: $17.47 + $3.36 shipping You Save: $2,493.53 (99%) LOL
  13. James, I appreciate the high quality of shrimp you sell. Thank you!
  14. Approximately gh 10, kh 2 Off the top of my head here's a couple thoughts: 1) gh depends on type of shrimp, as does TDS in my experience. Since your profile says rili, 10 gh is acceptable for neos. I try to keep mine between 6-9, but I have received neos from 22 gh water with no ill effects. (I wouldn't recommend that. LOL) 2) if using tap, there could be something unidentified in your water. When I switched to RO + remin, my shrimp survival drastically went up.
  15. For those of you that don't know, F&N is famous for their high quality shrimp. If you have the money or room, this really is a pretty good deal.
  16. It sucks having to start over. Did you do a plant dip before adding them? At least you know now you'll have a fresh slate.
  17. The clear space is generally thought to be caused by too much protein causing too fast of growth. The black on red is usually what is called "dragon." I'll let someone else answer the rust.
  18. If you figure it out, let me know. My tanks have that to varying degrees as well. In a planted only tank it's a lot easier to remove than a shrimp tank.
  19. Take your time. Unfortunately our impatience only leads to bad things, while taking the time to breathe and set up right leads to good things.
  20. I thought blue bees only had blue when stressed, otherwise they were brown?
  21. Sarah, I remember reading not to use vit D, but I don't remember why?
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