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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. heh In all seriousness, when I was breeding snails I had to ask if the flavoring would cause any problems to the snails or in the tank. The answer was no problems. Some even felt their snail pets liked a fruit flavor better.
  2. I love theme tanks! We all need fun in our lives!
  3. Scuds will eat shrimp, as well. Unfortunately scuds are inverts as well, and most people have to try to start a new tank to make sure they have no scuds.
  4. Bottom looks Blue Jelly, or KK not developed yet. Top looks possible photoshop.
  5. Drop it in and no ph rise. It's basically calcium. How often? Varies according to person. Usually the routine is 1 once a week for best shell.
  6. The clear shells turn white as they grow. These are often called blue ramshorns if dark bodied.
  7. Low ph will also turn snail shells white and pit the shells.
  8. He's good people. You won't have any problems buying from him.
  9. Imo the tds and gh are way too high for misch. However the antennae breaking off are ususally a sign of infection in neos. Are the bodies paper white?
  10. Just a way to know you have a healthy ecosystem. Fish eat them so you won't see them. Shrimp live in harmony with them.
  11. Sounds like a great selective breeding tank, Rye.
  12. Are those blue splotched carbons on the bottom? Very pretty!
  13. She better be on your Christmas list, Wygglz! dr0p, glad all your shrimp arrived okay. We've all had horror stories, but still cheaper to go USPS than drive the distance yourself to hand deliver.
  14. Could it have ridden in on some plants and you just have not noticed it until now? Sounds as if it had some time to grow.
  15. If you find somewhere that ships this let me know. Last time I looked I had to buy by the pallet.
  16. You could use the spout for water changes. ;-)
  17. how long have you had your tank set up?
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