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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. From the article the reasoning for dried leaves is: "these leaves will be depleted of chlorophyll, sugars, sap and etc through a natural process and as such will not decompose in the tank and foul the water, as fresh or wind fallen leaves might. Aslo the beneficial properties of the leaf litter comes from the tannins and humic acids that are naturally present in ‘dead’ leaves." I've fed fresh leaves for several years, and I can state pretty confidently that food leaves are eaten pretty quickly, and I've seen no fouling of water happen. Perhaps it does with hardwood leaves, or IAL? I also don't understand how how the article can state dried leaves will not decompose. That's exactly what they do. Our shrimp are clean up "bugs."
  2. I've had no probs with chlorophyll feeding fresh leaves to neos.
  3. To add the air pump is advantageous as it draws the bacteria into the sponge pores.
  4. yepper. That's how I ruined my Pinpoint ph probe.
  5. Not at the present time, James. Did you try AB?
  6. Sometimes a switch makes us feel better knowing that at least we did something within our control. I wish you the best of luck, my friend.
  7. Also, it looks as if you may have the starter for a strain of Neon Nessies- stripe on the back.
  8. The Nessies are looking good in the vid. Shame about the bacterial challenge right now. If it helps any, I've learned increasing the O2 and doing more water changes can help reverse the starting stages of infection.
  9. They can change color due to multiple factors including stress, water params, and substrate.
  10. They'll catch a couple now and then, but not many. Shrimp are faster.
  11. Put one of Han's SS filters over the end of the syphon tube like I do, or use panty hose over the end. That will stop anything from being sucked up. ;-)
  12. LOL I was gone for a few days because of directing stuff, and family stuff and I come back to over 5 pages filled with posts! I love it! I'm off to catch up!
  13. Candy Mountain, right Charlie?
  14. Hey, I'm used to loony. I've been in the arts all my life! LOL
  15. IMO seeing other critters in a shrimp tank is the sign of a healthy environment.
  16. Interesting you should mention this. I found awhile back that one of my tanks stopped breeding as well. Turns out the fish next to it were scaring the shrimp. A piece of paper between, and back to normal again.
  17. I see more people experimenting with this, and I think it is a very wise thing to do. If crs are evolved/adapted to take conditions like neos, I thin we'll see the popularity soar even more.
  18. With as many yellow rilis popping up, we should have a strain sometime soon from someone. :-)
  19. Looks bacterial for sure. Have you tried kanaplex? I haven't had to use it myself yet, but bought it just in case.
  20. Very interested in following this!
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