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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Sounds like you are already underway into shrimping. Welcome to our dysfunctional family!
  2. Great comment tinyplants! So what you are saying is that more males in a certain mutation may die because they don't have another copy of a gene to back up one that may be damaged. Is this correct?
  3. Moss is a fooler. Sometimes it appears dead on arrival, and can grow green shoots.
  4. This is from a quick google:http://www.voiceofgreyhat.com/2012/03/madspot-shell-ver-10-by-madspot.html?m=1
  5. I tjink the spell check red lines have more to do with your browser and how it is set.
  6. Not really a question of how often, but how much you feed. How many babies do you have?
  7. A big welcome to you! I research until my eyes bleed, too. LOL I'm very impulsive and it semi-keeps me from making too many mistakes.
  8. People often have the misconception that self cloning means the individuals look exactly alike to P1, when in reality coloration, pattern and growth may all be different. Parthenogenesis is not the same as artificial cloning, and thus people get confused. In theory you could select the largest from each clutch in the line to enhance the bell curve, but in actuality I don't know. Marms are still a bit of a mystery. The nice thing is you should know pretty fast since they berry up usually by 2".
  9. Yeah. Shipping is one of those things that can be frustrating. 95% of the time the odds are with you provided things are timed correctly and packaged right. It's that other 5% when "real life" gets in the way and just makes you want to swear! LOL
  10. Apologies for people who have bought shrimp recently. The heatwave right now requires me holding shrimp until next week when temps will be lower. I know it is inconvenient to wait, however I'd rather my aquapets arrive healthy to you, and not be DOA or die shortly after.
  11. "why one of my females has a yellow strip down her back and the others dont ?" Just genetics.
  12. The "yellow snow" is beautiful!
  13. Something interesting about crays is that the clutch can grow at different rates. Some may even look 2x as big as a sibling at any given point in time.
  14. Sometimes missing shrimp/crays get cannibalized along the way and the bag shows up with no trace of the missing animals. It's good they resolved the issue though, and awesome you have some berried. :-).
  15. Chib gave some good advice. I only would like to add a welcome.
  16. Welcome! Awesome to have a hobby you and your children can enjoy together.
  17. Captive breeding has been suggested as a plan to stop extinction for walking fish. To which I say heck yeah! http://www.grindtv.com/wildlife/walking-fish-on-brink-of-extinction-measures-considered/#meXqXXselFvfIcDm.97
  18. Interesting concept they developed for marketing.
  19. For my water, higher than gh 4 makes the shell too hard to molt. Not saying a higher gh may not work for someone else, but for me it doesn't.
  20. +1 When you think about it, there are a lot of duplicate phenotypes in shrimping.
  21. Just curious, but why would you order cherries from Hawaii when we have them adapted to the states right around you?
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