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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. This kind of reminds me of how the black underwent a mutation from cbs to become crs. In this case, it is the black stripes.
  2. For simplicity, shrimpers go by the number of drops to change color for gh and kh.
  3. We do have some people who keep ula here, so if this is what you have, opinions and techniques should be available to ya.
  4. Amen to that Miwu. Shrimp genetics are very complicated and don't follow simple Mendelian Genetics.
  5. If yo find any, let me know. None recently have met up to my quality I want to buy yet.
  6. If you need stainless steel mesh for shrimp, contact H4N. He'll give you some good advice.
  7. Welcome to our insanity.
  8. GH of 3-4 is good for me. When my gh was higher with cards, they had problems molting and I would lose shrimp babies.
  9. Here in America, most people refer to red crs as super reds, however a real super red is from a specific strain.
  10. "in my experience by far the most important factor when changing water (or moving shrimp from tank to tank or receiving a shipment of shrimp) is letting the water change happen very very very gradually. e.g. 2-3 hours if possible. in doing so it means the animals have lots of time to adapt and will hardly be bothered at all." From experience I agree with this statement. Of course there are those that advocate the drop and plop method of acclimation, and I don't agree with that either.
  11. They grow really fast, which can be a blessing for aquaponics/feeders, or a curse if having as a pet.
  12. I've tried the manual ones like that, but they've burned out too fast for me.
  13. You have to wrap paper (newspaper, paper towel, etc) around teh first one before double bagging. If you don't, the exchange is severely diminished.
  14. Stiffler, they are both the same shrimp- just different colors. So purplepanda is correct.
  15. But...but...this orange eyed tibee has white... (from shrimp.pl)
  16. Looks great! If you can isolate her with a male, you have the beginning of a selective breeding project. .
  17. Hope a card breeder takes you up on the offer! Try Mayphly.
  18. So this year I've tried something new. I read that the R factor in using cellulose is due to the small trapped air pockets. So, says I, if I pack the fluff tightly inside the styro, the outide environment won't be a problem. I've always felt when using fluff, the cold pack was too isolated to lower temp in the box much anyway. The result shipping this year in 90 deg weather? Not a temp related death yet! Even through late arrival of packages. Just my results.
  19. Congrats to the winners, and Thank You for the awesome raok.
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