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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Well, kinda. True supers are bred from solid pigments of crs. Usually some white still remains around the face, and sometimes a thin stripe or two on the back. There's even been arguments on whether white thin stripes should be bred for or eliminated.
  2. Just for clarification, super reds indeed are not low grade crs. Super reds were bred in reverse. A nice solid grade of crs was taken, and bred to increase the red, while minimizing the white. (Actually two people came out with reds at the same time and an argument ensued. But that's another story.) While it is true that low grade crs have large coverage of red, the density of pigment often is not the best.
  3. Here's 2 for ya. Camera phone pics, but hope it helps.
  4. You guessed it. Daughter's gym bill arrived again. Blue Velvets - $39.50 for 10 10 for 34.95! Chocolate Diamond Shrimp - 10 for 29.50 10 for $24.95! This is the chocolate strain that throws occasional black, blue, red, rili, etc to have a rainbow in your tank that won't revert back to wilds. The blue diamond strain was a selection from these. Just browns sent... anywhere in continental US. Chocolate - 10 for 29.50 10 for 24.95! Splotched Carbons - 10 for 55.00 10 for 39.95!!! Mix of blue and clear tissue, with splotches. Malawa - 10 for 19.50 10 for 14.95! Not a neo, but hands down the hardiest shrimp and fastest breeding shrimp I've ever had. They also live in neo params. Continental insulated priority shipping is only $10!
  5. Daughter's gym bill arrived. Time to pay her bill. CPO aka Mexican Orange Crayfish [Cambarellus patzcuarensis] - 3 for $35 3 for $29.95!!! shipped insulated priority - unsexed juvies to young adult unsexed. Larger than diminutus, with that florescent orange color. Provide plenty of hiding and climbing spots (loose moss is perfect.) Adult size is around 1"-2". Flake does fine for feeding and the occasional ramshorns will be taken as well. Continental US insulated priority shipping is only $10!
  6. Daughter's gym bill arrived. Time to pay her bill. Blue Mini Diminutus Crayfish [Cambarellus diminutus]- $15 ea $9.95 each! Juvies and up. Unsexed Still very rare in the hobby. Adults are as big as dwarf shrimp, and smaller than cpo. The babies can be compared to newborn dwarf shrimp as well. The blue color is enhanced with ph below 7. Above 7 they tend to be darker. Smaller and not as aggressive as CPO. They feed well on flake food and don't seem to be aggressive. Pic from Google as adult Continental US insulated priority shipping is only $10!
  7. I have a **very limited amount** to offer for sale, and I'm only offering now because my daughter has a huge gymnastics bill for her team fees, coaches fees, meet fees, rhinestone team leo, etc. So any money I get, I'm able to offset cost. Picture is of an *exceptional Nessie* I have been using as a breeder. They don't all look like this, but when they do- WOW! First, the history of these as it seems more and more people are interested in histories. For those who do not want to read the story, skip down lower. "Once upon a time there was a Fire Red colony. This Fire Red colony surprised their keeper by throwing some blue pigmented shrimp. Not just blue tissue...oh no... but blue pigment on the shell. The owner faithfully decided to work with this mutation for about a year when a 2nd surprise happened. Out of these blue shrimp arose some green pigmented shrimp. The keeper in confusion tried to figure out where they came from. "Surely this can't happen," says the keeper. "For I have never seen anything like this before." And yet beyond all odds- there they were. True green pigmented shrimp. Now these greens were badly colored. Barely a stripe here, barely a stripe there. However the keeper hoped there may be potential. In a daring move, he culled the blues to focus on the greens. "I may be able to improve these greens," says he. And off to yet another adventure goes he. Greens throwing blues and reds were worked with for over half a decade until they threw 95-99% greens. This was not easy for one person to do. Several times the project reduced the keeper to tears as near disasters happened, and new break throughs occurred. And yet, the ember of passion continued to fueled by his desire to succeed. Then finally, after many years of effort, it became apparent for this keeper to offer his creation to the community. "It is foolish for me to continue alone, " says he. For if only the keeper was to separate out grades and try other selections, it would take another decade or more. However with the help of the community, new and exciting forms may be created New selections developed and perhaps even a rare mutation may be worked on, the keeper realized. Better the outcome, it could quite possibly be. "Let the offering begin!" Announced he! And thus began the saga of the Nessie Shrimp." As a new strain, the Nessie have potential to be selectively bred in many different ways. At this point a cherry Nessie can throw a near painted Nessie, and a painted Nessie can throw a cherry Nessie. This makes for a very pretty colony quite diverse. Personally, I think cherry Nessies and see through fire grade Nessies look prettiest. Their pigment is thin and they look like emeralds in low or high light. Sakura/painted Nessies have such thickness of color they can look black in low light, and show up as very dark hunter green in high light.. One of my favorites is the Golden Nessie that is thrown randomly, which has a gold flesh, and green pigment hood. I kinda equate it with the Maneki Neko Lucky Money Cat Statue. For some reason it has always been good luck when thrown in my shrimp room. For a long time I was culling shrimp needlessly until I realized some of these shrimp also have a weird ability to change from blue to green depending on mood. Very strange. Much like cardinals will change color when the light goes out, and slowly gain their color when the light is turned on. Males usually have only a green hood, while females can range from cherry to near painted. ALL GRADES CAN BE THROWN IN THE SAME BATCH! I've done my part in making sure the green is stable. It's up to the hobbyists to take them in the next step. I'm one person and don't have a staff to help me. These have babies that have some grade of green 95-99% of the time. Color green ranges from blue-green, lime green, kelly green to hunter green. Shrimp range from green hoods to full green bodies. The culls will occasionally be a Red Nessie. I have NOT ruled out that these culls may be able to throw Nessies as well. I just don't know, as I have not worked extensively with them. Some of the reds looked to be turning purple, however I didn't have the space to work with that project. One always have to make decisions on the trinity. (space, time, money) Breeders often show you their best shrimp. However I want to be sure you understand what other grades look like as well. The pic below shows these too. Please re-read the above descriptions as this is a brand new color and new strain I'm offering. I want everyone to be happy with what they are receiving. Please read carefully and understand what you are getting. Shrimp sent will be juvies, and I only have an *extremely* limited amount right now. I have my daughter's gymnastics bill I have to pay for her to continue training for team. Juvie Nessie is $15 ea :D Yes, this is a different color of Neo Davidi, so yes- it will breed with any other color of Neo shrimp. Last param check: TDS 216 GH 8-9 $10 priority insulated shipping. I've always sent priority with very few problems. No DOA guarantee on priority, however unless you live in a problematic delivery area, I haven't had too many problems. Almost all of my boxes have arrived safely, however there is always a risk. Pics of dead shrimp in unopened bag must be provided within 2 hours of receiving, for me to work with you on a resolution. If you would like overnight delivery, I can do that too I suppose. We'll have to work together on that since I've never done that before. However I will honor a DOA guarantee on those.
  8. Shipping on Mondays and Tuesdays to continental US only. All shrimp prices include shipping! Shrimp Blue Velvets - $49.50 for 10 insulated priority shipped. Chocolate Diamond Shrimp - 10 for 39.50 shipped insulated priority This is the chocolate strain that throws occasional black, blue, red, rili, etc to have a rainbow in your tank that won't revert back to wilds. The blue diamond strain was a selection from these. Just browns sent... anywhere in continental US. Chocolate - 10 for 39.50 shipped insulated priority. Splotched Carbons - 10 for 55.00 shipped insulated priority. Mix of blue and clear tissue, with black splotches. Malawa - 10 for 29.50 shipped insulated priority. This is hands down the hardiest shrimp I've ever had. Red Claw Shrimp [Macrobrachium sp.] - 5 for 50.00 shipped insulated priority - unsexed juvies These get to be around 3" and will eat just about anything as they are omnivores- including hair algae, flakes, etc. Crayfish Blue Mini Diminutus Crayfish [Cambarellus diminutus] 3 for $55 shipped insulated priority - unsexed older juvies/young adult Still very rare in the hobby. Adults are as big as dwarf shrimp, and smaller than cpo. The babies can be compared to newborn dwarf shrimp as well. The blue color is enhanced with ph below 7. Above 7 they tend to be more black. Smaller and not as aggressive as CPO. They feed well on flake food. CPO aka Mexican Orange Crayfish [Cambarellus patzcuarensis] - 3 for $35 shipped insulated priority - unsexed juvies to young adult unsexed. Larger than diminutus, with that florescent orange color. Provide plenty of hiding and climbing spots (loose moss is perfect.) Adult size is around 1"-2". Flake does fine for feeding and the occasional ramshorns will be taken as well. Marmorkrebs aka Self Cloning Marbles [Procambarus fallax f. virginalis] - 2.50 ea for babies/juvies/young adults. Best for using cray fry as feeders for fish/turtles/etc. to condition for breeding. Tip: Freeze fry when appropriate size, or you'll be over run with crays! They berry as early as 2" long and can have hundreds of fry at one time. Opportunistic, although in general not aggressive with each other unless not enough food. As with all crays, claws or arms can be lost in skirmishes, but grow back usually within the next molt. My pet has grown ~6" large. Fish Convict fish- unsexed ~ 1/2"...$1 ea. Gold see through guppies with half black gene- prehit adult trio $10
  9. 13 feet wide transparent blob about 75 feet under the ocean. Current guess is a single squid egg mass containing millions of eggs- similar to a ramshorn snail mass...only bigger. So big, it would contain millions of eggs. http://www.grindtv.com/wildlife/divers-encounter-mysterious-blob-off-turkey/#3QAuIlgfg8GyPqPY.97
  10. I think last I heard blue dream and blue diamond are not compatible. Blue dream comes from a carbon line, while blue diamond comes from a chocolate line. Off spring would wind up as a streaky wild.
  11. That is probibly IMO the most accurate chart I have seen yet.
  12. Since you are working with a low grade of cherry, those badly colored ones may be males.
  13. Btw, no matter who you are looking into buying from, you can ask for additional pictures. If they want your business, they'll try to provide some.
  14. A seller often pictures their best shrimp out of hundreds/thousands as an example what their shrimp CAN look like, as opposed to what the colony DOES look like. In addition, lighting, macrophotos and picture editing plays a part as well.
  15. Great post, Rob! I'll also say that 2 blue neo davidi from different strains will not necessarilly give you blue offspring. I recently saw again where someone did not know this and wound up with wild colored f1s. This further goes to support my theory that colors are located on more than one gene, complicating color research.
  16. Thanks. Be patient and you will have all kinds of colors in your tank.
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