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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I have had several purple blue bodied rili. However it was very unstable. It all has to do with thickness of see through shell, and boldness of the blue tissue. I haven't put forth the effort to work with a strain.
  2. When the lights are on colors become more opaque to blend in and be camoflaged. If color is fading, light is not strong enough.
  3. Any questions, ask away. We're here for newbies and experienced alike.
  4. Welcome! Great to have you here. I love our international members. So many times new thoughts and ideas come for shrimping!
  5. Must be my monitor. To me that looks chocolate.
  6. I'm right with ya. I'd rather have hardcopy than net, but I'm learning to transition from necessity.
  7. We occasionally see a post from a shrimper who has trouble with mayflies. This vid ought to make you feel better.
  8. I come across interesting articles in my daily research. :-)
  9. You can't control a mutation spontaneously appearing, however if you don't selectively breed that mutation, it may be lost once again. A colony breeding does not always make more of a mutation. In fact, there are many times a single mutation occurs and you have to backcross to increase chances of it happening again, or risk it being diluted in the gene pool. However we both agree what first appears to be a mutation often are recessives and modifiers lined up just right.
  10. Even mutations require selective breeding.
  11. Yep. This basically boils down to the age old controversy if something looks like a phenotype, is it genetically the same. BV is often used as an example of this discussion.
  12. There's some pretty wacky things in the aqua world alright!
  13. Salty Shrimp is a powder re-mineralization product for ro water. I think I may try blue/red Wizard when my powder runs out though.
  14. This is nuts! I've noticed before what I thought was ramshorns trying to hitch rides on my blue diminutus. Failed miserably of course because the ramshorns were larger than my blue crays. I've seen this several times in the past couple weeks, which I thought was odd. They get on, and the dims are at their mercy not being able to get them off. This past month there are fewer diminutus, but no bodies. Params fine. Then today I noticed another ramshorn trying to ride a dim, and upon closer examination I saw it trying to pull it into it's shell bending the poor thing almost in half and struggling frantically. That's when it hit me that these guys are so small and so defenseless, the ramshorns must be making a meal of them! Why these crays and not shrimp? I don't know. Maybe because the shrimp can fly away, or spook easily, when the crays don't? If someone else posted this I'd say it was ludicrous, and perhaps they were misreading the situation. However I'm pretty sure I'm not. Whatever the reason, the snails are being moved out today. At least the larger ones...
  15. Then it may be there is something in your tap that you are not able to measure.
  16. Keep the best and let go of the rest. It really is that simple for the simplest selective breeding. As for mixing, you can try a sample cross and see if they are compatible before ruining your entire stock.
  17. Are you using a seeded filter? How did you acclimate them?
  18. Waste, powdered products, foods, etc all play a part in raising TDS. For more sensitive shrimp it's safe to not lower more than 40-50 TDS in a day. Pure RO wc works.
  19. Man, what a great group photo. Can anyone tag names to the faces?
  20. Man, that is a sweet looking set-up. Keep us informed how things are going for ya. :-)
  21. A newly discovered small black scaless fanged fish has popped up near volcanoes. http://www.grindtv.com/wildlife/bizarre-fish-species-ancient-volcanoes-discovered-off-australia/#34GS7qFqZSlsMGDz.97
  22. Only if you want to turn it into a fish tank. Most shrimp will be feeders for the betta at the very least.
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