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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. "Which B&K do you refer to? I can double check." Sure. It's B&K #1. The article Shrimphony in Germany by the queen of crossbreeding Monika Pohler. She refers to he possibility of TB actually being a cross: "The sum of all my observations led me to the stringent belief that a Blue Tiger Shrimp has played a certain role in the creation of Shadow shrimp. There are so many parallels in Tibee breeding, which cannot all be due to chance." She goes on to say: "Numerous breeding results have been published involving a crossbreed of Blue Tiger x Bee Shrimp have shown that as early as in the F2 generation offspring may crop up that resembles King Kong Shrimp." also: "Speaking of Snow White Shrimp- it is now almost common knowledge that this color variant originated between Tiger and Bee shrimp." The article is a fascinating read, and I'd love for some people to experiment with these crosses to see what happens and post the results here. While the creator of TB says it is a spontaneous mutation, explore with an open mind.
  2. I have a new batch I have to raise, so these need to find a home. CPO aka Mexican Orange Crayfish [Cambarellus patzcuarensis] 3 for $35 shipped! or 6 for $58 shipped!!! Unsexed. Juvies or larger. Adult size is around 1"-1.5". Flake does fine for feeding and the occasional ramshorns will be taken as well. Omnivorous. A cheap tenner works well. Tip: Provide loose moss or other plants to climb on/hide in to stop aggression. Continental US shipping only.
  3. I know backcrosses or back breeding of animals are usually referred to as BC1. Ie. P1 x F1 = BC1 Plants are usually referred to as R1 instead of BC1, if I remember correctly. Either way, the good intentions are there.
  4. James, this is actually a much argued topic . In a recent mag of B&K for instance, a breeder said that he believes TB are from an early cross of Tiger as well.
  5. LOL Basically the original breeder of a type or color gets to name it whatever he wants. In this case KK. KK can have white stripes or be extreme (solid.)
  6. Does anyone here sell fontinalis antipyretica gigantea?
  7. Lots of aquariasts use super glue. It's fine. Just make sure that the item you put it on is dry since it cures with water. Great vid!
  8. http://www.alphaprobreeders.com/dwarf-blue-crayfish/
  9. What is the largest sized moss? Cameroon?
  10. Welcome to the forum. You'll fit right in!
  11. I don't have an answer as I'm not on the techie side of things. However for the meantime, have you tried uploading to your gallery and then use that pic link for your post?
  12. TB usually has a colored face and the pigment on the shell is much more solid.
  13. Crystals are knownfor this. In fact, when you get to the more pricy ones, the ones that keep their white in the dark are kept, while the ones that turn more transparent in the dark are culled. Some neos do, some don't.
  14. Until the young are born. heh Okay, prob not the response you wanted. Not sure of actual time of gestation though. I usually just see they are berried, and young are born, but I have more than one pair in the tank, so trying to keep track is not easy.
  15. Don't know about the spirulina. When I used it straight, my shrimp tended to dull, but don't know if that was coincidental, so don't feel confident enough to give you an answer there. Some people reported astax caused red on neos to slowly fade or turn brown with astax, but I did not test them on reds myself. It works very differently on neos than it does in crays/lobsters.
  16. Artificial selection at work. The strongest survived. Snails are an invert. So are shrimp. Anything that will kill small snails, will usually kill shrimp as well. Be sure to do a water change. Stress will cause crystals to lose coloration. Genetics will too. Amano larvae need salty water to survive, and are low order. Black rose and fire red will interbreed causing wild streaky brown shrimp. They are both Neo davidi, just different colors. What are the parameters of your water?
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