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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Maybe we're talking about two different things? Are you saying this is a pond snail? Looks like a ramshorn from here.
  2. Would that be proof though? I've had dying moss come back from brown and they developed green tips and shoots from the brown as well. I have no idea how otherwise you would test your hypotheses though.
  3. You have something raising it, dude.
  4. Fantastic raok! Congrats folks, and thanks Shrimpscales!
  5. I honestly feel everyone's water is different. What may work for one, may not work for another. That's why there's such a range that's acceptable. I had to drop my gh to 3-4 to see baby survival. Some others have done fine with 6ish, but unfortunately not mine.
  6. We have some great shots in the thread Duff mentioned.
  7. Gh high would be a flag for me. Stress is a lerge factor in losing color. All the water changes, although necessary, is also stressful.
  8. Some people do hospital tanks. I personally live the motto: When in doubt, cull. For me, I'd rather risk being wrong than compromising a breeding project.
  9. Does it have broken antennae? If so, then it is characteristic if an infection.
  10. These are Red Rili and Blue Bodied Red Rili peewees that don't fit into my BBRR breeding program. Some are splotched. May have a full red or full blue (blue rili) in there as well. Honestly, some still could fit into my breeding program since on a couple the red looks purple, but I want to concentrate on a narrow strain. The line has been worked with for some years already, so if you want to try your hand at a BBRR project, these are ahead of the game. I'm adding/moving some stuff and I need the tank/space. These are small. Size is less than 1cm. My guess is there are around 30 plus or minus 5. This is a quick sale of $40 shipped for all the shrimp in the tank. I have no idea how many. Could be 25 or 40. As stated, 99% are peewee. I just need the tank/space, and the adults in that tank are already moved out. The pro? That's around 99 cents each or less for years of selection. The con? There's no live arrival guarantee, and peewees are sometimes harder to acclimate to your tank conditions, so the gamble is on you. Great price for a gamble though. Insulated priority shipping only to the continental US. Can ship out Monday, if paypalled before.
  11. I don't see pink. I'll wait for someone more educated to answer.
  12. I'd be interested in knowing those results from someone else. Feel free to post them here. My personal experiment is over for now though.
  13. I've never seen a 140 round. That is cool! Welcome!
  14. I'd be down for 1 or more depending on how low we can get the price.
  15. We constantly have questions about cycling. I'd like this thread to be Step-By-Step Cycling Techniques. These will provide examples to follow. Feel free to add your Step-By-Step techniques. But to keep this thread cleaned up, please post questions or comments to http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/4064-step-by-step-cycling-techniques-conversation/ MAYPHLY'S TANK CYCLE START JUNE 14, 2015 6-14-15 Add Old Sea Mud, and BT-9, to bottom of tank Add Amazonia substrate Install HMF. Place biorings and heater behind HMF Fill tanks with tap water 6-15-15 100% water change 6-16-15 100% water change 6-18-15 Tanks 1-3 drain water 100%. Add SL Magic Powder to top of substrate and add 100ml Purify. Cover top of substrate with tap water (w/ Prime) Tanks 4-6 complete 50% water change. Turn on heater to 85 and add plants 6-19-15 Tanks 1-3 fill with 100% conditioned tap water. Turn on heater & add plants. Add buffer 6-20-15 Add minerals to raise TDS to 130 and GH 5. Add Bacter AE to tanks 4-6 6-21-15 25% water change. Adjust TDS and GH. Add buffer 6-24-15 Add buffer PH between 6.8-7.0 6-28-15 25% water change. Add buffer to tanks 1-6. PH 6.8-7.0 7-1-15 Added Bacter AE to all tanks 7-3-15 25% water change tanks 1-6. Test for ammonia. Tank #6 is showing 0ppm. Test Tank #6 again. Add 3.0ml of Purify to all tanks. Add Magic Powder to all tanks. Add almond leaves to all tanks. Adjust heater in Tank #6 to 72 Also, all tanks were seeded with muck from sponges from other tanks around 6-19. One thing I'm going to start to do from now on, is to start keeping my Java moss in a mesh bag and hang it in the tanks that are cycling as an ammonia sponge. This would be removed before shrimp are added.
  16. To not clutter up the Step by Step Cycling Techniques thread, please feel free to ask questions or post comments here.
  17. Hypothesis: Ferts will make Nana Anubias grow leaves faster Experiment: I received a beautiful Nana Anubias from Wicca awhile back, and decided to try something unusual to see what would happen. I divided the Nana into 3 parts. 2 with 3 or more leaves, and 1 with one leaf from the middle. I then submerged the ROOTS of the three sections in a small tank, strained and filtered organic miracle grow for fert. added to the water. The plants was kept in the tank for two months, topping off with RO and light provided from a full spectrum bulb for ~10- 12 hrs a day. Results: The 1 leaf middle section never grew another leaf, although the leaf didn't die at all. The other two ends did grow more leaves, but slowly. Something unexpected though, was the roots shot out and I had small thread like roots everywhere. I then placed the sections submerged in an aquarium, without ferts. The leaves are growing more quickly now and the roots have not grown and spread as before. Experiment Conclusion: Do not fertilize. All growth will be put into more roots, not more leaves. Possible errors: Submerged roots vs submerged plants may have played a part in the experiment. However from what I have read, they should have actually grown faster that way, and this did not happen.
  18. I'm a newbie at crystals, however whereas neos get paper white inside due to bacterial infections, my understanding is that crystals get pinkish/orange and lose coloration.
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