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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. until the exo skeleton hardens. That's why the males are so frantic to find the fem.
  2. IN my case it was detrimental. Once they learned free food was a lot less work, hair algae no longer interested them. For me they also lost interest in hair algae after becoming adults.
  3. I usually recommend a colony of 10 for a tenner to start with. More experienced breeders can get away with more, but for the average person just starting this gives enough warning of problems if they should occur, while still leaving shrimp for rebuilding a colony.
  4. I think a custom designed tank would look really neat. Cpo don't "fly" too much, and walk just about anywhere. I find they love to climb on my moss, so perhaps a second level should go well.
  5. I think the basic principle is that the water suction draws air in (from the air tube out of the water) as it rushes past, and that makes bubbles come out. The valve at the end allows you to dial the air suction up or down. Similar to using straw to get those last few drops of soda, or the very end of a water siphon. There is no sound though, because the air is going in and existing under water.
  6. Honestly it would have to do more with modifiers and selective breeding. Which would mean keeping fry until adults, and using more space than I have right now. They are beautiful fish though. They remind me of squirrels. Heh Thank you for the confidence though.
  7. Most neos have been selectively bred for colors. Because of this, there are rare true mutations. So, it is not as simple as a punnet square because of the many extra factors involved. An example is your question about the rili gene. Some breeders have found it to be dominant, however all mine have been super recessive- to the point of not even f2 displaying it when crossed. You are better off keeping a lookout for an interesting characteristic popping up in one of your tanks, and breeding for that.
  8. Nice. Mine stopped eating hair algae after learning about free food.
  9. Do you feed them anything else?
  10. It may be possible, but interested in a elec rams now.
  11. Love the breeding tank! I'm gonna try that with my cpds.
  12. 25 amanos for how large of tank?
  13. Thanks folks. Kordons can be double bagged if the first bag is wrapped in newspaper, paper towel, etc to stop bag to bag touching.
  14. Will a 7W x 14T kordon bag be okay to ship a 5" convict fish in? Do I need something larger? How much water?
  15. What about this: http://www.petsmart.com/supplies/filter-media/api-nitra-zorb-aquarium-filter-media-zid36-16970/cat-36-catid-300089;pgid=abtCWvHQ1QlSRplZ09QDlf4G0000zX8Z9uJM?_t=pfm%3Dsearch%26SearchTerm%3Dnitrazorb
  16. Chocolate Diamond Shrimp This is the chocolate strain that throws occasional black, blue, red, rili, etc to have a rainbow in your tank that won't revert back to wilds. The blue diamond strain was a selection from these. Just browns sent... 10 for 39.50 shipped insulated priority anywhere in continental US.
  17. To confuse matters even more, I've been breeding my DBVs so long now, most of them are only red at the baby stage. Lol
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