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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I have places like petsmart here. Mom and pop shops were pretty much shut down because of them.
  2. Some good advice given already. If you just want an idea of price of cheap units, check out purewaterclub.com
  3. I believe you bought them labeled as that, city. Unfortunately, I've seen this type of mix up again and again these recent years. I'm pretty sure what you have there is BR.
  4. City, those don't look like BV due to the baby pics. Do they have any red coloring when born? That's what may be causing the red coloration of eggs. If so, those may be BR.
  5. My fem just died and I'd like to go in a different direction. However to do this, I need to rehome my male. The male convict is 5" with very long flowing points and nice coloration. He's bred around 4 times, all successfully. Hopefully some will be able to use him as a nice stud or show fish. I'm only asking $5 plus your choice of shipping. I need to move him out.
  6. Unfortunately, BV follows the same routine. Yellow eggs that turn pink when ready to pop. Citycode, I mean no disrespect- but are you sure the seller that sold you yours didn't mix up names?
  7. Good luck, and have fun shrimping my friend.
  8. Be careful about phenotype = var. There are several sellers that mix up blue rili and BV because they look the same for instance. If you think you narrowed it down to BV, check the babies and juvies. In average BV they should have a red rili coloration that fades away by juvie age. BR are born and keep the blue through juvie age.
  9. There is always the option of buying a few BV and see what the offspring look like.
  10. Many BP (palmata) I see have tiny red dots on their side, and the color saturation is not as nice as this. I'm guessing a type of Davidi, but I've been surprised before. (Man, I'm so old I want to keep writing heteropoda. LOL) Most common Davidi is Blue Velvet, but there are different strains out there with different names. You have a double whammy since blue seems to be one of the largest replicated colors for Davidi strains. Lots of breeders, including myself, have introduced new strains of blue into the hobby. Some will breed together and create blues, others will create wilds if bred together. Your best bet may be to try recontacting the seller and asking the name of the strain.
  11. I've never heard of it this early, which is why my mouth dropped.
  12. I'm a beginner at crystals myself, however my understanding is that breeding true breeding TB of any color is tough because of the genetic milkshake of a background. I believe no one in the US has achieved this yet, while very few in the rest of the world have. What may be an interesting project is to do poster chart. What does this TB throw from this berry. Misch,, BB, WR, KK, etc. In this way your kids can help make graphs since in theory TB x TB = TB
  13. Won't be instant, but the project should be a fun one. I'd love to be kept in the loop of your progress. Maybe consider a journal here so we all can follow your endeavors.
  14. I believe they go by invertobsession on amazon. If so, he is the same person that hijacked all my ads, and rewrite them for himself. Amazon didn't do a thing about it even when I had bought upc codes. After the 4th time of that, I pulled all my ads.
  15. I never have since I keep them in their own tank. I find it hard to think they could be a danger since they are the same size, and aren't hostile with even each other. Regardless, I'd try it with neos or culls first and see what happens. One concern would be gh. I have them in 6ish. The ph would be good methinks, to keep a nice blue.
  16. Mine have. I have 2 tans that were sent as males to me, but I have no tans in the offspring. Not sure if the blue is dominant, or not- but I've seen none in juvies. Keep in mind though, I'm up to F1 from P1.
  17. Cambarellus sexing is pretty straight forward. Hockey sticks means male, dot means female. Challenge is the size of these crays are small. You need a male and fem to reproduce. I've not noticed damage to my moss. I keep them like shrimp.
  18. Did you contact Nick ? He isn't importing anymore but may have a personal colony.
  19. I remember Speedies imported supremes. To my knowledge red x red = red, however you are right that you will lose the specific hue unless you cull frequently to get back to it. You can run a test by buying one or two fr or pfr from a member and crossing them in a separate box to make sure you don't wind up with wilds. I don't think you will, however better to be safe than sorry.
  20. Some of the more exotic things for sale. Shrimp Malawa [Caridina pareparensis parvidentata] 1.95 ea (10 for 29.50 shipped) These can be kept with cherries in the same params without cross breeding. These are slightly smaller than neos, breed more rapidly and for me have even been more goof proof! Red Claw Shrimp [Macrobrachium sp.] 8.00 ea. Juvies Unsexed. These are bigger than dwarf shrimp, yet not as large as prawns. These get to be around 3" and will eat just about anything as they are omnivores- including hair algae, flakes, etc. Species tank recommended. Crayfish Blue Mini Diminutus Crayfish [Cambarellus diminutus] $15 ea Juvies Unsexed Still very rare in the hobby. Adults are as big as dwarf shrimp, and smaller than cpo. The babies can be compared to newborn dwarf shrimp as well. The blue color is enhanced with ph below 7. Above 7 they tend to be more black. Smaller and not as aggressive as CPO. They feed well on flake food. CPO aka Mexican Orange Crayfish [Cambarellus patzcuarensis] 3 for $35 shipped. Juvies Unsexed. Larger than diminutus, provide plenty of hiding and climbing spots (loose moss is perfect.) Adult size is around 1"-2". Flake does fine for feeding and the occasional ramshorns will be taken as well. Marmorkrebs aka Self Cloning Marbles [Procambarus fallax f. virginalis] 2.50 ea for babies/juvies/young adults. (pic. from Google) Best for using cray fry as feeders for fish/turtles/etc. to condition for breeding. Tip: Freeze fry when appropriate size, or you'll be over run with crays! They berry as early as 2" long and can have hundreds of fry at one time. Opportunistic, although in general not aggressive with each other unless not enough food. As with all crays, claws or arms can be lost in skirmishes, but grow back usually within the next molt. My pet has grown ~6" large. Plants Guppy Grass [Najas guadalupensis] $6 cup, 2 cups or more $5 ea. This is from my Malawa tank. No snails, no algae that I see. But as always dip to make sure. May contain duckweed. I ship within the continental US. Shipping consists of insulated priority box with breather bags for all shrimp/crays/fish. Plants may be put in sandwich bags. Shipping is only $10 no matter how many are ordered.
  21. Sounds like a great project for you Amanda. When I have some more trinity, I want to try some brackish/sw shrimp myself! Blaze the way, gal!
  22. I used to correspond quite a bit with zane. Wonder whatever happened to him?
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