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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. heh I just need something to divert the full force of water. I was going to try the pop bottle hack, but this looks like it may work just as well? With the holes, if I need to, I may be able to rig up some hooks to slip over the back.
  2. Years ago I was on shrimpnow. I left around the same time imke did.
  3. I really like this idea. I have a 20T and am using a top fin 30 HOB full blast for a fish. Do you think this may be a better option for me? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000IMYE0W/ref=olp_product_details?ie=UTF8&me=
  4. Beautiful job, Steve! Have a pic of your colony?
  5. Losing shrimp is icky, for sure. It's awesome you are able to find that silver lining!
  6. Sounds like a fun project. Post pics when you can.
  7. I think the racing stripes look cool too. I do want to point out that cherries are neo. davidi, while pearls are neo. palmata. If breeding them together, they are no longer cherries or pearls, but a hybrid. So if you plan to sell your new hybrid creation, please make sure the customer knows a) they will interbreed with neos, and they are hybrids.
  8. Sometimes. But if you have lots of shrimp, the few that go missing- if inexpensive- go unnoticed.
  9. Ask and it shall be done. It is a sticky for now..
  10. Anyone know when the B&K 3 is coming out?
  11. Do you have a pic? Sometimes we can help more when we see things.
  12. As long as you stick to hobbyists (such as the people on this forum), shipping is pretty straight forward. And you'll actually save money as well as getting more colorful and healthier stock.
  13. Interesting question. I don't know the answer. IN theory, shrimp and crays are both inverts similar to each other. It would not surprise me if crays and shrimp are able to have the same diseases. BTW Welcome!
  14. Several people have been writing me asking how my Nessies are different from high quality Jades. First off, let me state, I think Jades are beautiful too! There's room for more than one type of green neo, just like there's room for more than one blue neo. Jades seem to be created by an overlap of blue and yellow pigment on the shell. This creates a nice lime green look. They also have a higher percentage of culls, but that hopefully will be worked out over time- just as many strains will be. Nessies are 95-99% true breeding. The amount of green varies from hood to full body. They have a true green pigment instead of a yellow/blue mix for pigment. A majority also have a green tissue that varies in intensity. Both have pros and cons just like any other strain of shrimp. Perhaps these pics of exceptional high grades side by side will give you a better understanding of the differences. Click on pic for larger size. The first is a Green Jade c) by Monique, the 2nd pic is my Nessie c) by Soothing Shrimp. Both beautiful, right? Just different.
  15. I like the concept. I've had bad luck with some LED lights though with sections burning out. I use 54w per shelf right now by using florescent bulbs in the generic hoods on my tenners. Problem is, I get hair algae galore because even at 9w per florescent, the light is still too high. The raised LED would stop that, but that means I'd have to spend $$$ to get glass tops to keep evap to a min.. Decisions, decisions....
  16. Yeah. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the auction idea here, but I have had so many problems with it that until some bugs are fixed, I won't be using it.
  17. I'm reading you went with the The Beamworks Plant Bright LED lights? One per shelf? How much did it cost you?
  18. I 've had that happen. I picked up an old clunker 55g someone had out for the garbage. Cleaned it, filled it and it was fine...for almost a year. Soon the dried out silicone separated and it leaked several gallons on the floor. I just threw it out. It was one of those old really heavy ones anyway.
  19. Am I able to donate some shrimp, or other items? I'd like to support your get together.
  20. Are you asking about UP shrimp sand?
  21. I just learned something new in identifying pinto misch. Thanks guys!
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