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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I'm thinking this is the same as light lighting up a frosted glass as opposed to transparent. However it also makes me wonder how accurate this may be. Imho some non-infected neo tissue can look like wax paper, while bacterial often shows up as paper white. In this case, any shrimp that is not transparent will reflect light. Neat observation though.
  2. yepper you are. I know lots of lfs have rams that have problems due to hormones.
  3. Thumb sized and all dying. Quick! Grab some form your salt water tanks! https://gma.yahoo.com/tuna-crabs-invade-san-diego-beaches-thousands-185916850--abc-news-topstories.html
  4. Thanks. I appreciate that!
  5. Thanks Deta. All I knew about was the black spot with jewels.
  6. Any suggestions on how to sex electric blue rams?
  7. I think I've decided on electric blue rams. Thanks, folks! Any suggestions on where to get them?
  8. I'm kinda amazed that he had that many packets!
  9. Keep the suggestions coming. Btw it's a 20L
  10. I'm looking to say bye bye to my convicts. Any suggestion on a type that will be fine as a pr or trio in a 20g? Dwarf cichlids, apisto or whatever? I still would use them to take care of shrimp culls when needed. Needs to be easyish to breed. Needs to be colorful with possibilty for selective breeding for color traits. Suggestions?
  11. My experience is like rye. Tap tests read fine, but they would die. Ro they love.
  12. She is beautiful. Hope you are able to do a strain.
  13. Since I breed mostly neos, I look at ingredients. I stay away from astaxanthin. For crystals, I have no real idea what I'm looking for yet. LOL As long as they eat and are doing well, I guess. I'd welcome some advice on crystal/TB food though.
  14. Look at his post above. The vid shows it in action. Or do you mean how he put it together?
  15. I understsnd that, and obviously it is a dream wish to buy those. As far as breeding goes though, they are worth their weight in gold. It is only through homozygous genes that we understand what color crosses yeild. Milkshake genetics will continue to throw random results. Plus a strain is necessary if one wishes to selectively breed for a trait.
  16. Very nice. I assume regular price is $$$
  17. TB may equal TB, but phenotype does not yield phenotype. I'm be one of those people looking to pay slightly higher to have a phenotype breed true regardless of grade.
  18. Deta hit the nail on the head. Many shrimp can be graded. Put the grade, add pics of your general colony and you'll be good. You can also add a pic of your best breeder, however be sure to have the customer realize that shrimp is exceptional. IMO too many shady sellers put up a pic of exceptional for selling and the customer gets upset when it is not what they received.
  19. I have a gym bill that has been broken up for me into payments 9thdragon. My daughter wants to go as far as she can, and I promised her I'd help her as much as I am able. My aquatics are one of the only ways I can offset it. So I'll offer more when the next bill rolls around in 2-3 months. Have that tank cycling.
  20. Yeah. I personally think people want things fast and instantly these days, so many breeding farms aren't willing to put in the time to breed strains so they breed true-ish.
  21. Will the grates on back have to be covered with SS or sponge?
  22. Welcome! I know revolutionhope is also from Oz. Some other members, too.
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