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Soothing Shrimp

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Posts posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I have to make some space in my shrimp room, so these fish are up for sale. 


    Will also trade for shrimp.


    (1) 3" male SF Albino BN Pleco.  Bred 3 times......................$10



    (1) 3" LF Green Dragon BN Pleco.  (Female?)............................ $15


    (2) 1.5" and 1" Green Dragon BN Plecos. Gender unknown.  Right now they look SF, but came from LF x LF, so who knows?............... $10 for the pair


    USPS shipping.

  2. Ordered a package of CBS, and the tracking shows it delivered yesterday.  Only thing is, it didn't arrive yesterday.


    Talked to my mail person and this is their first day back  from vacay, and yesterday used a mail person from somewhere else.  The supervisor I called said this was correct, and now a claim has to be filed for a missing package from my seller to get refunded.


    First time ever having this happen in 10+ years. :-(


    I feel bad for my seller, and the shrimp of course.

  3. I have to share something that happened yesterday/this morning.


    My son asked me yesterday after school if he could have a special hot lunch at school this Thursday.  I took a look at the price on his lunch form and it was waaay too expensive.  $10 for a bowl of mac and cheese with ham?  For a school lunch?  I told him no.  "Okay," he said.  He's a good kid.


    I dropped my wife off at her open house and took my daughter to gymnastics. 


    Later we came home to hear a strange buzzing in the living room where I sleep with my son. (My wife snores.)




    That buzzing-




    What was that?




    Where was that sound coming from???




    That sound was driving me !@!@%#$ crazy!!!


    The kids went to play in their room while my wife and I tried to track down the source of the annoying noise.  It sounded like it was coming from the ceiling?!?




    More than a little concerned, my wife and I after some discussion became convinced it must be a crossed circuit in the electricity.  I went to the breaker box and flipped every switch off while my wife stood in the center of the living room and told me whether the buzzing stopped or not.


    That did not help.


    When I came back into the living room, my wife and I proceeded to have a quick argument about the expense of an electrician to come track it down and fix it.


    The argument did not help.


    I did not tell my son about the buzzing.  I did not want to call attention to it and hoped he would not notice it too much.  He's autistic and sounds can set him off into a melt down.  That night, I read my son a couple chapters from our book and we went to sleep with the buzzing louder than  ever.  He didn't mention it and I was relieved.


    This morning, the missus and I had another quick argument about an electrician.


    This, again, did not help.


    She left for work.


    I finished getting my son ready for school.


    As he and I waited for his transportation van to arrive, he asked what that buzzing was.  He said he had been hearing it all night.  I calmly said that neither his mom nor I knew.


    He then walked to the center of the room and moved a drawing my daughter had made and carelessly left on the floor.  He then proceeded to pick up something from under it and hand it to me. 


    It was plastic and the size of a dollar store calculator...It was a cheap electronic "Connect Four" game...It was making a noise...


    Son: "Can you take out the battery?  This sound is driving me crazy."


    Me: "Um...yeah....sure!"


    I took out the triple A battery...and the buzzing stopped.


    It stopped!






    I made a quick phone call to my wife to tell her what had happened and we both had a good laugh about it.


    ...One more thing...


    .............remember that hot lunch he wanted at school?


    ....................................................I'm giving him the money for it tomorrow!


    He's a good kid.





  4. Great advice. One other thing, usually planeria don't swim, but rather crawl on glass or substrate.  They are flat, have an arrow head and crossed eyes.


    Was what you saw swimming like a wiggling "S" in your water? Was it short with both ends rounded and crawling in your glass? Was it threadlike in your substrate? All those nematodes are harmless

  5. That's awesome! 


    We're on a micro-budget, so calling in favors and making deals for this one.  That won't last forever though, as that will soon run out.


    We made the decision to put the show on YT to have verifiable numbers to show sponsors their money can be well spent.  More money also means better quality of production, but we've done the best we could for now.


    That also means soon we have to start writing S2 without any knowledge of where the funding is coming from yet.  Talk about stress!


    Maybe we will be able to create/add to a character who is not only an artist, but also a shrimper. ;-)

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