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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Even then, no guarentee on survival with a hobbyist never having them before.
  2. So cool to see s/he has retained the pattern.
  3. Hmmmmmm. I wonder if poret foam cut to the bottom floor size and fit at the lowered water surface would stop sloshing.
  4. You folks take much better, pics than I do- but here's one of mine anyway.
  5. They must blend in pretty well, dude. I can't see any crabs in your two pics.
  6. ro is forced through a membrane while distilled is produced by steam condensed into water.
  7. Updated pic of your snowflake, please?
  8. crs was a mutation of cbs. Now if you just buy one or the other (crs/cbs) they'll throw both, unless you have a pure line. May as well just start with TB x TB. They are cheap enough now.
  9. Welcome! Great to have you here. "start from the very beginning of bee shrimp and hopefully get some Taiwan bee shrimp" TB are a mutation, and you'd wait a very long time to get them from crs/cbs.
  10. If you are using them as the starter stock, P1. Their offspring will be F1, etc.
  11. Culls are how I have gotten most of my projects. It's true that wilds occur, however sometimes some interesting colors pop out due to recessives/combo genes.
  12. Sounds like their stressed. Fish in the tank? Water params?
  13. I'm in for the moss. If I win, you can RAOK the floaters to a 2nd winner. 1. Mayphly 2. Soothing Shrimp
  14. Any fish breeding?
  15. Well, we'll see when my product comes in if it will work.
  16. I know you can use epsom salt for adding gh for fish water. According to my notes "1ml per 10 liters= 70 mg/L CaCO3" So 70ppm/17.8 = ~4gh if my math is correct Never tried it in a shrimp tank though.
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