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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I have an idea. I'll post when I get my package I ordered and know the results...
  2. Anyone with calipers? I need to know the diameter of the plastic suction cup nub on an xy-2831 sponge filter
  3. This is originally what I was going to do months ago, however when I looked into it, for the same cost I could get an on the ground Hydro filter. The cost is too prohibitive for more than a couple tanks for me right now.
  4. I use XY-2831 double sponge filters, and the suction cups SUCK! I keep finding filters floating. Is there a better suction cup someone can recommend?
  5. I bet your gh was higher than 0. That would put your gh around 2? I've never heard of any neo living for long in those conditions.
  6. To make double sure, you can also put the waste water in a bucket and gently stir. The shrimp will usually choose to swim against the current and it makes it easier to see them to net them out. However, since I asked Han to make a SS filter for my water siphoning tube, I haven't had a problem.
  7. I was alerted to this new shrimp from RevolutionHope. A big thank you! It is only by folks sharing knowledge that we learn. We all have to help each other. A new shrimp has been found in Australia that has parameters that leaves me in amazement. A photo from http://www.aquagreen.com.au/plant_data/Caridina_zebra.html: Looks a lot like our crystals or caridina sulawesi, right? But listen to these params! Temp low 70's PH 7- 7.5ish (Has been known to live in 6,5 as well.) KH 0 GH 0 TDS <20 Folks, you could pretty much pour out a jug of RO and have them live right in the water with no remin and no buffering substrate! Is this the next new shrimp?
  8. I'll vacuum occasionally, but rarely. You risk stirring up a mini cycle by doing that.
  9. It will also be interesting to see if the fem carries the color, or the male. Keep in mind you may have to back breed or go to later f's to see good results.
  10. Welcome to our international family.
  11. AE has been what many of us have used, however it sounds as if any powdered food can be used since the bacteria can process it.
  12. I don't know how many people have facebook, but this is a fun video of goldfish swimming in an open ended upside down globe in a pond. https://www.facebook.com/aquatrixuk/videos/1630459193850126/
  13. My neos bred most prolifically for me in 300 TDS.
  14. Just put SOLD in the thread title.
  15. In the UK, someone built a 4,000 gallon tank in their home. Looked great, until he realized it was costing him $9,000 a year in upkeep. http://www.cflas.org/largest-privately-owned-tropical-freshwater-aquarium-in-uk
  16. I use fishben, however I'm guessing essentially the same thing, although fishben is more pure.
  17. purewaterclub.com has some inexpensive RO units. I use it myself. Others will pop up with other links for ya.
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