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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I wonder how come mine tends to disappear then after a day or so?
  2. It will still dissolve, just takes more time.
  3. When I had my neos in less than gh 5, they were dying off. Now I keep mine 6-9 gh.
  4. Here's a pic for size reference, and teh crab is closer to the camera.:
  5. Good info. Are you sure those were micro crabs though? I hear they only get to be roughly 1/2" full grown.
  6. Just part of the territory. Every hobby has something you don't like to do.
  7. I've never seen a wild tiger or wild bee like that though. Wild neos, yes.
  8. In the US we have been using that for markings though, James, with little attention to opaqueness of white or red. For example, how often have we seen SS mean Hinomaru, or SSS mean Mosura? Yet both displayed poor white coloration? Somehow in the USA, S, SS, SSS has been bastardized to become tied to pattern instead of opaqueness. Originally, S was separate from markings. You could have a grade A Hinomaru for instance, yet when was the last time you saw that advertised? Heck, look at grading charts on the web and many of those are even confused on the system. ...I don't know anymore...maybe this has been adapted to the new way. A specific grade equals a pattern. I remember when Silane came up with SSSS for his almost all white shrimp. I miss the opaque grading system though...
  9. Did you tell him about this forum?
  10. LOL Yepper. *shrugs* What works for one person, another has challenges with. Just the challenge of keeping aquatic pets in general.
  11. In other parts of the world, opaqueness of coloration has a grading system. We just haven't caught on totally yet in the US.
  12. I can safely tell you that berried fems would not be possible from almost any breeder, however some do sell pairs.
  13. Well, I finally got around to trying something to make the net stiff again since I bought 2 new ones and figured if my experiment didn't work- no biggie. Super glue for me did the trick. Yeah, it doesn't look that aesthetically pleasing, but I need it for practical purposes and don't display my equipment.
  14. How high grade may help. Some sell for thousands of dollars. What's your price range?
  15. A while back, I did find a place that would sequence: http://www.acgtinc.com/specialty-services/species-identification/seafood-species-identification/ Part of an email they sent me: "Our standard testing method can reliably determine the genus and species of shrimp, assuming that that information is in the public databases such as GenBank, EBML or BOLD. We would need one shrimp, and the cost would be $100." /species-identification/seafood-species-identification/ No advancement on genetics of color though.
  16. I'm not aware of any lab that test for prl.
  17. I feed my crays daily for this reason. The more food they have, they less aggressive they seem to be. Probably because they are similar to us sitting back after a nice holiday dinner. LOL
  18. Great job nursing, Linda. Have a pic of your beauty?
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