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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Nice. Looks like a some I've seen selling on AB.
  2. This may help. A little info from the net: "Reproduce this species isn't easy task because larval stage needs a separate aquarium with brackish water with the same water parameters as the general tank. We transfers fertilized female to this aquarium and we wait up to hatching all eggs. Then we remove her and we gradually salt the water with the larvae to specific gravity SG=1.008. The larvae fall on the bottom and they transform to adult form after 20-30 days. Then we don't need immediately to transfer young to the freshwater aquarium. This species can live in brackish water its life."
  3. Shrimple has it correct. Lightning bolt may be an outdated term. I've been around for awhile and sometimes terms I learned become passe. Usually it referred to more a a thin line of color along the side of SSS, while flowerhead referred to wider. Regardless, I could be happy with flowerheads as well.
  4. Sunkist Shrimp- old name Caridina cf. propinqua. New name Caridina thambipillai Low order breeders, larvae need brackish water to survive. I have them myself and are some of my favorites due to their color changes. Never bred for me though.
  5. Lol. I've seasoned my share of cheap tenners. New. Fill with water. Leave light on. This kind of algae.
  6. Anyone know where to get lightning bolt crs? I'm giving thought to making my own royal whites.
  7. That looks like the type that grows with silicon. you'll see that a lot in new tanks with too much light.
  8. Awesome to have you join us. What type of fish do you keep?
  9. Much prettier than mine. I got impatient when I was building it and drilled the holes and force screwed the taps in. LOL
  10. I tried keeping neos in low ph this year to see what would happen. Just one tank. The statement "They all just fade away" is pretty darn accurate of my experience.
  11. Agreed. I've known many breeders not to use anything else except a remin product. Just having gh+ is not the problem.
  12. We just reached our 1,000th member! (well, 2 away at the time of this writing, but we will be there by the time most members here read this. LOL) Over 50,500+ posts!! ALL THANKS TO YOU!!! Members here are Amazing! Friendly! Helpful! AWESOME!!! Throw the spaghetti!!!...er...confetti!!! Release the Baboons!!!...er...balloons. Look,...the truth is a forum is just a bunch of computer jibberish...just software...binary code... But YOU are what makes THIS forum successful. YOU are the driving force here. And we, the staff, humbly thank YOU for your time that you choose to spend here and the information you so freely give. We value you and thank you for being part of our dysfunctional family. Here's to many more years of Shrimp Spot being your family forum! THANK YOU!
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