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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Thanks for the tips, Pika. I am someone who gets carried away in a hobby. I've finally realized this about myself. heh So, now I'm super careful about starting new hobbies, as I tend to become involved very quickly.
  2. http://mashable.com/2015/05/19/kim-jung-un-turtle-farm-lobster/?utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Mashable+%28Mashable%29&utm_cid=Mash-Prod-RSS-Feedburner-All-Partial&utm_medium=feed&utm_source=feedburner "Kim took special offense to the lack of lobster as ... the shortcomings could result in "grave consequences as impairing the prestige of the party." Think I could give the same argument to my wife so we could have a nice lobster dinner every night?
  3. Did you test ammonia and Nits? Also, how do you do water changes?
  4. Yepper, wild var- however I encourage you to try to start a strain of them. Why? Although I have seen the white bars on the backs of wild cherries, I have never seen the sparkles down the sides or legs. This leads me to believe you have a wild mutation that the white has NOT limited itself to the back. *salivate* This is very much the same way the red shrimp started. Breeding for more and more red dots until we have the ultimate reds of today. *If* you can carry through the trait to a strain, there are some shrimpers (myself included) that would attempt to create the next step- a low grade white cherry. We know from there it can also be selectively bred for better coverage. BTW, this is also similar to how the higher grades of crs started as well. So in short, you may have the makings of the next great color in your hands! Be careful with it, and breed it well so the rest of us can continue to work on your shrimp too.
  5. hmmm... no content is usually the "content I have not read" button if you read all.
  6. More guts than I, my friend. I once had a friend who owned "hot" snakes. Venomous. Used to like the challenge keeping them. Luckily he had a couple vials of antivenom. After being bit once too often, he decided he didn't want to play with them anymore.
  7. Good point. Rye, if you click on the "new content" tab on the extreme right bar of the original site- on the left bar of the new page is "by time period" If you click on any of those buttons, the order of posts that pop up may not be what you are used to.
  8. I took a rubber mallet and banged the pieces of pvc together so they were tight.
  9. Yep. This is my F1 generation from my recently bought PRL Wang line. etc.
  10. Many fish stores have higher costs due to overhead. Also many LFS have employees to help, but don't know about every species that is in the store. Also, the volume of different species along with having to care for so many tanks/products/customers lead to minimal care much of the time. Plus, any additives or caring for sick animals takes away from profit. IMO, you are better off buying from passionate hobbyists.
  11. You can do that. I think AL10 had a post about taking the ball bearing out of a hamster water bottle and using teh bottle as an automatic refill system. Perhaps he'll chime in.
  12. If it is any help, I didn't need to glue mine. Dry fit was enough.
  13. LOL Sorry about that. I was trying to figure out a way to say it without it appearing snarky, because that wasn't my intention. I was hoping a quote was the best option.
  14. Any idea where to get the plastic pieces to hang the float valves on the tank?
  15. Yeah dude, here's where it gets very murky. PRL means different things to different people. Big breeders even argue what the real meaning of prl is. Deta and James both gave great definitions from different philosophies. I've seen some very heated arguments between shrimpers over what "true" prl is.
  16. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/14/opah-warm-blooded-fish_n_7286712.html
  17. You'll have to check your gh regularly and report back to us so we know from your experiemntation. heh
  18. Plain RO, because just pure water is evaporating. Place purigen in a bag in back of your sponge filter. You want water movement to go by your purigen.
  19. Looks like I missed your entrance, but welcome anyway.
  20. I've used cuttle bone before in my tanks. Didn't see any change in params, and the shrimp seems to eat from it. Whether they were eating calcium or micro nutrients collected on it, I don't know.
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