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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I think the idea is hornwort uses up excess nutrients in the water before algae can use it.
  2. Well, technically the BM should have red tissue.
  3. Could be this, I suppose. My personal theory has always been if in doubt, cull.
  4. We definitely need support for updates, etc. Thank you Miwu. 1. DETAquarium 2. mayphly 3. Soothing Shrimp
  5. Good luck with that one. Egg colors in neos can be pretty random.
  6. Keep us informed on the color shift if any.
  7. The more frequent large water changes you have, the larger the neo. You can also breed for egg clutch size. The fems that consistently carry the larger amounts of eggs keep and those that carry smaller amounts, cull. All depends on your goals.
  8. Sorry to hear your fish died, my friend.
  9. Id be glad to take him in fishcrazy. I'm looking for diff pleco colors besides my albinos. I justhad albino fry too. ☺
  10. Anyone else breed BN plecos?
  11. You mean the low order hump back, AL10?
  12. I wish it did work that way. Unfortunately most neos are created by selective breeding. So that means modifiers are lined up over time. By mixing with a different genetic history the modifiers are scattered and you wind up with wild shrimp.
  13. Yepper. Both harmless and a sign of a healthy environment. Fish usually eat them, but shrimp don't. Not that you want to go go this much into depth, heh, but here's a good link: http://www.harpercollege.edu/ls-hs/bio/dept/guide/gallery/aquatic_worms/thumb.html
  14. If they have no pointy heads, nematodes. If they have pointy heads like an arrow, planaria.
  15. A couple tips. If you look straight down in the test tube it is easier to see the color, and people sometimes have had extremely high gh and give up after the 8th drop or more thinking something is wrong. LOL I once had a tank that was gh of 35!
  16. You may check out this recent thread for info about shrimpusa.com: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/3386-the-green-fungus/
  17. Looks Detritus. BTW, Detritus works don't crawl on glass usually.
  18. All turned chocolate. I just culled them. Wondering if this is a common occurrence. I know from experience when my diamonds would throw red they'd turn choco after awhile with the occasional red highlight. Makes sense BM would too since they have diamond in their history. I personally won't do BM again because it looks as though the color is unstable. On the upside, I have an empty tank for more shrimp.
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