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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Has anyone else's bloody marys turned chocolate colored?
  2. About time. I missed ya!
  3. Crystal told me about wick watering. I like the concept, however I wonder if the ferts would be too heavy or separate flowing up the wick?
  4. I think my stress level dropped a point looking at those pictures.
  5. 35ppt, that's my thought regarding water. From what I'm reading it is common to sell/mail leaf cuttings and not the actual plant. Cheap to mail to trade/swap/sell.
  6. Awesome, Jaden! From my reading that ones that hang are a gooseneck and need repotted. I'm sure that there are many theories on that though, just like shrimpin'. No idea on how to cross them yet.
  7. I already know when I get them I'll be looking to learn to grow the best looking I can do. LOL It's in my nature. My dad used to try to grow African violets with disastrous results. LOL But it was fun for him anyway.
  8. I read that quite a bit. I'm thinking of trying them under full spectrum bulbs.
  9. I'm thinking about getting into African Violets and am curious if anyone else is doing this too?
  10. Thanks guys. Tried it yesterday for the first time. I have a small portable electric coffee grinder I used. So far, so good. I still plan on using pellet once a week or so for observing shrimp for selective and health purposes, but the other times it will be powder if I don't get hydra or param problems.
  11. I'm glad you are enjoying them, my friend.
  12. Congrats on babies. I see from the 2nd pic you also have hydra.
  13. Never fun to have to rebuild tanks. I've had to do that to 4 tanks so far this year. Even worse if you have dead shrimp. However as you say, you will rebuild better than ever!
  14. Silly question, I know, but are you able to cover the window with a shade, or move the tank?
  15. There's millions of micro organisms that live on live human skin that do no harm, so it seems conceivable to me that they would live on aquatic creatures as well.
  16. Easier to tell when they are older, and yeah. Some are Transvestites. LOL
  17. I've had this happen with mostly Malawa and cards. I chalk it up to not enough protein, or not enough food to go around. I've been feeding more to counteract this and it has worked pretty well.
  18. At three weeks, you don't have long to go before they hatch.
  19. Must be a bug in the software since we updated. Will is going to chime in pretty soon.
  20. LOL Years ago old timers would put in water, and bury a small dead fish under the substrate. 2 weeks later, change the water and ready to go.
  21. Won't have money for a while, but will put this on my wish list.
  22. Those should be some nice tanks for ya. I went with cheap tenners to save moola but if you have the dough go for' it!
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