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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. This looks like this project will rock!
  2. Well bacterial blooms use oxygen out of the water. Once O2 is removed, ph is lower.
  3. I don't think it will cause the gh to change, however it will cloud your water. Usually it will go away on it's own.
  4. I know crystals with just the white stripes are called crystal whites or ghosts. What is the strain called with just red stripes and no white?
  5. Yep. My suggestion would be to post a FT thread in the marketplace. :-)
  6. You are awesome, Mr. F. Thank you. :-)
  7. Lol yepper. My goal is to make humorous horror movies, but this opportunity came along in the meantime. Heh
  8. LoL That's the attitude. :-p The name is Community Theatre. It's a goofy comedy about starting a community theatre and putting up a show without any money. It's shot in a mock-umentary style.
  9. You folks are great! Thanks OEM. :-)
  10. Gh/kh is an option for other types of shrimp such as neos.
  11. Drip acclimation for me, too. When I first started years ago, plop'n'drop was recommended so the shrimp didn't have to "suffer so long." LoL After so many losses if shrimp, many realized dripping allowed the body to make changes slowly.
  12. It could be they are getting "goodies" off your filter to eat.
  13. I'm not good with chemistry, however I'd make a guess it binds.
  14. Awesome. We'll have one viewer at least! :-D
  15. Tap water also has gh/kh/tds. So if you top off with that, you are also increasing all those variables and more.
  16. LOL You remembered me talking about it, huh? It's in post production right now and will debut by the end of Oct if all goes according to plan. We're hoping by releasing on YouTube, the number stats will encourage sponsors to put some money into the show. Right now everything is produced on a micro-budget scale. Soon after release we will be submitting to festivals as well.
  17. I'm not that skilled in chemistry, so I'll have to let someone else answer that one.
  18. Thanks folks. :-) Yeah, competition season at this level lasts from October through February. Their training is all year round. No time off like other sports. Truth is, if they take time off they start tightening up and it takes longer to regain flexibility than to lose it. It really is a way of life. 7 yrs old, 15.5 hours a week practicing and conditioning- and it only goes up (along with bills) from there. Pretty crazy way of life, but as long as she loves what she's doing- then I'll help any way I can. She really wants a bar at home to practice on. She's getting too big now for the chin up bar in the doorway (that blocks us from entering or exiting there. heh) I have no idea where we would put it, but she works so hard that if she wants it, I'll figure out how to pay for one later this year. She still works on the beam that everyone helped buy last year! :-)
  19. Prime does, I think. I'm not sure about all conditioners though.
  20. YAY!!! Nadia loves people following her progress (and I admit I do too. LOL) Nads made it to Level 3 this year. She did not know what a massive change in routine it would be. They work on conditioning much harder now and it is not unusual to have girls huffing and puffing and even the occasional tears with the intensive workouts that happen. Gymnastics is one of those sports that requires the body to be incredibly fit and strong. What they do I couldn't do. That's for sure. heh Luckily there's only been one day she had tears. She's a tenacious about challenges. Her gym changed the rules this year that the scores have to be 36 in the all around after competition season is over in order to move on to the next level. That averages 9.0 and up for each event. We'll see how closely they stick to that rule at the end. She has a great attitude though and tells me, "If I have to continue in Level 3 until I perfect my skills, I'll do that." My wallet may not be too happy though. LOL Her first meet this year is at the end of October. She has done pretty well in bars during practice and adequate on beam for now. On floor, she still has troubles with back handsprings and splits- so she has to work on that. Splits are painful to stretch, so that's not her favorite stretch to do. Vault is always tough for her. She tends to chop her steps and needs to find her rhythm hitting the springboard. Still time to work on skills before her first meet. The scores will be good to see where she's at right now in development. You can bet I'll keep this thread updated for anyone who may be interested. :-)
  21. Sure. A web series is like a tv show through the internet or alternative device. There's channels on Roku that do web shows. Netflix, Hulu, and others all have shows that are made special for them. Usually those last around 30 minutes in length. Sometimes an hour. There's also a 2nd form of web series usually put out on the internet. YouTube, Itunes and some others have them. These usually have the range of 3-5 minute episodes on up.
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