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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. OKay, I know this is for the upcoming guppy show, but I want this setup for my shrimp dangnabbit!
  2. Paypal will send an e-mail to the customer's e-mail automatically. However I still provide a tracking number through pm for convenience.
  3. Bred March 27, and no berries yet. This is the 2nd try. She has since molted last month. Should I hold off or breed again?
  4. Has anyone made their pelleted foods into powders to feed their shrimp? Is this a problem as far as causing params to go out of whack due to all food not being in one spot to shrimp to pick everything clean?
  5. In all seriousness, I've fed mulberry leaves fresh, blanched and broken down by freezing first. The freezing for my colonies seems to work best, but they'll take fresh as well. Freezing breaks the cell walls.
  6. I'm using the new omniapro and have been very happy with it. I also use occasionally AE, and snowflake. I searched for a long time for a food with no astax. There may be more foods on the market now that don't have it.
  7. If you feed pure astax, it will show up within the first week. I welcome anyone who would like to follow up my results. However be warned it almost took a year for my yellows to get away from ugly streaky browns to yellow again.
  8. Cards may be different. I try to have snowflake available much of the time in the tank for my neos.
  9. You guys are missing the basic question: "Hi i would like to ask whats the best way to feed mulberry leaves?" You don't feed the leaves. They have no mouths. Instead, give them to shrimp to eat.
  10. Reeper, the food doesn't change DNA, only adds muck to natural color. Like if humans were to eat a lot of carrots or tomatoes their skin turns orangish, but stop eating so many carrots and tomatoes the skin reverts back to normal color. (condition names are carotenemia and lycopenemia). In the case of neos, I found astaxanthin causes color problems in neos, but eliminate the astaxanthin and the colors go back to normal...eventually. I think a lot of people initially get excited over green appearing in neos, when actually it is the food fed. Green is only a stop between colors for yellow. Too much of that food and the yellows will eventually go brown.
  11. I know cardinals can display blue when the lights are out. Andy? Time to talk on this thread.
  12. Za Wa is a Taiwan breeder who has shown a pic of a blue dennerli mutation aka cardinal mutation. He says he now even has one with gold color... Thoughts?
  13. Anyone know where to get Danionella translucida?
  14. Not uncommon for the first berry and even 2nd berry to be dropped as they learn how to carry.
  15. The biggest concern customers had said when I had looked into owning some was that they didn't breed true. A breeder told me he has about 40% jades from a batch. The rest were culls.
  16. I suppose you could try red claw shrimp, prawns or crays as well. The larger the animal, the hardier they *may* be.
  17. Jacob lives in Denmark, Han. You may have some problems exporting organic things.
  18. How hot does it get? Neos may make it, however check for bacterial infections often. Malawa I have never seen a bacterial infection in all the years I have been keeping them. These guys are so tough some here may remember me accidentally keeping them in a 35 gh without a care. Temp isn't much of a factor either. They are smaller than cherries, and they only hold maybe ten eggs when berried at a time, but man are they prolific. They'll out breed my cherries any time. They also won't cross with neos, but can be in cherry conditions.
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