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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I have tried tapatalk, and really don't like the software. Maybe it's me though. I just don't like relearning things.
  2. Make sure to buy or make a cross bar underneath to keep the rails from splaying. Found that out the hard way on a different rack.
  3. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that. (Sigh)
  4. Is there an app I can use on my cell to let me know when I receive a pm here?
  5. I did it with audacity. Thanks again.
  6. Awesome. I'll search youtube. Thank you!
  7. BTW, this is a vid I found awhile back using authentic banding techniques. With a breather you have to make sure no air is in teh bag, but other than that it should be the same: https://www.youtube.com/embed/s9IVtPnUHBE
  8. The absolute bast way I have found is with a pellet. The snails will pile on, and then just scoop underneath them. But skinned cucumber, leafs have worked for me too.
  9. +1 The bags are just not as easy to tie as the stretchy used to be. Lately I've been tying two knots. One above the other. That way in case water leaks through the first knot, the 2nd knot should hold any until it gets to the destination.
  10. Anyone have any good reputable sites for free ringtones?
  11. Here ya go. Had some extra time right now before taking my kids to school. heh
  12. Probably to keep them from sticking together. I hate rubber banding things. I may have to go that route eventually, but I'm fighting tooth and nail most of the way. I don't do change well sometimes. LOL
  13. Does anyone know if there is an end goal to cwb? Nice white solid stripes, or what? Or is it just one of those shrimp where it doesn't have a grade?:
  14. My tip is to call them something other than yellow rili. You don't want them to be confused with the current "imitations."
  15. Real yellow rilis are very very rare. The yellow rilis on the market right now are poorly colored orange rilis. I'm working on trying to create a strain of them, but they have yet to breed so far. You may have better luck with yours.
  16. Well, I mean true in the sense it is not a poorly colored orange rili.
  17. Not a bad trait by any means. Be the first to selectively breed for an eye color in neos.
  18. Blue, I don't like long life for exactly the reasons you stated for the new Kordon. Both feel like poly to me. I much preferred the latex feel Kordon used to have.
  19. The solids are fine. heh No breeding yet, but fine. I'm going to sex them pretty soon and make sure I have both genders.
  20. As Mayphly said, I have Malawa which are even tougher than cherries IMO. PM me if interested.
  21. In the first pic, is that a true rili yellow in front?
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