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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. What the heck is the elastic string for?
  2. I have this Is there a different kind now?
  3. yeah... I guess? I have the larger kordon bag now.
  4. I wasn't aware it should have a specific shape to the pattern? Different patterns (incomplete or not) pop out of different breedings. (?)
  5. I haven't had problems with residue. I guess I don't have any white powder on mine.
  6. I'm using the kordon 7 x 14, and taping the bottom corners dog eared. The top of the bag is long enough to do a double knot. Longlife is the only other option in bags right now.
  7. Link posting is not a problem here so far. Is this is? http://shrimpkeepersforum.com/forum/index.php/topic/5617-the-nitrate-test-kit-from-heaven/?hl=salifert
  8. Other than API. Opinions? From what I've been reading, in shrimp Nitrates are more dangerous than Nitrites. Does that dot thing work okay? http://www.seachem.com/Products/product_pages/AmmoniaAlert.html Should I stick with a liquid test? If so, which do you recommend as easy to use and accurate?
  9. OKay, but that's different from selectively breeding. In selective breeding you just pick out the traits you want from a given group and keep breeding those traits.
  10. YES! That's it! Thank you chib! Here's a better image from google:
  11. Hopefully we'll have another shrimper in the hobby.
  12. Wow. People frown on selectively breeding them?
  13. If one clicks on the tab "View new content," new sponsor posts do pop up along with other new member posts as well. This works especially well, if you click on the left tab "content I have not read" on the "view new content" page.
  14. I hate the larger duckweek in my other tanks. Looks pretty, but what a pain when netting shrimp or doing any maintenance. This smaller duckweed is in my Caridina thambipillai tank. It's a just for fun tank.
  15. I absolutely adore the extreme red dragon. Looks like one of my favorite cherry shrimp vars of all time. The Kanoko.
  16. Still searching for a strain of extremely clear tissued red rilis or splotched. Haven't found them yet. The three sunshine babies are still cruisin'. Still thinking of adding the Sunshines to my yellow #2 strain though for genetic diversity. I switched 6 cpo babies to a set up tenner and they died. Not sure why. I have others on the way, so instead of figuring our params and worrying, I'll just do a water reset and chalk it up to a loss. Nothing else living in that tank anyway except for some ramshorns, and they'll do just fine with just about any water change I do. Just got an LG optimus l90 cell phone. I wasn't looking for the best on the market, just a low end phone. Been pretty happy with it. The camera is actually pretty good. I've been thinking about getting some kind of macro to put on it for shrimp pics as well. Also been thinking of trying a DIY remin mix for a tank of my shrimp to test out. No hurry though. I still have the rest of 1000g jar of SS gh+ to go through. LOL
  17. Deta, sure. The biggest difference is price. LOL
  18. I just read that Silane has had some skeleton yellow KKs pop up in a recent batch.
  19. Honestly, no I haven't. I've had such good results with fenben that I really don't want to change. The only reason to use teabags is so chunks don't get on the soil. Otherwise removing the teabag is useless because the med is already dissolved in the water.
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