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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Recently we've had members have problems with dosages of fenben and fishben. I've been doing some research, and I'm wondering if these products could be a new way of mess-up proofing the meds: http://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/panacur-worming-syrup-10%25-for-cats--kittens--dogs-and-puppies-100ml http://www.amazon.com/Durvet-Safeguard-Goat-Dewormer-125ml/dp/B000HHLVB8/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1430224818&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=fenbenzadole+liquid
  2. So that's small duckweed, eh? Looks kinda cool and grows way slower for me. Only one tank has it. Thanks guys.
  3. Nope. At least not the same type of duckweed I have in my other tanks. Here's my duckweed
  4. This floats on the surface of the water. The first pic is from underneath. The 2nd on the surface. As you can see it looks the same under as over with no roots and very small ~1mm each green circle. Any ideas?
  5. I love JasonPatterson's post. You may like it, too. http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/1810-domestic-leaves-for-shrimps/#entry26144
  6. Yepper. IN Europe they bred a nice amber that I wish someone would import here. However since we don't have it, breeders will have to recreate it.
  7. Heck, you could leave it in all day if you wanted. You do have to weigh it down, but your goal is to get the snails that have crawled on it.
  8. Before assassins. try placing a leaf of lettuce in there. Wait for a while, then pull the leaf out. The shrimp will hop off, the snails will stay. Repeat as often as liked. Another way is to feed a pellet and do the same thing with a net to get the "snail ball"out.. EDIT: Ninja'd. LOL
  9. Thanks for the raok. 1. Hellcat6203 2. Sumo82 3. Elo500 4.WaterBugg 5. Aiko 6. Marali 7. nmac15 8. Keiris 9. Spialz 10. Lyana 11. Slycat929 12. Soothing Shrimp
  10. Lots of answers to this one, but red cherries are kinda funny. Their color can become even more solid at adulthood, and even more after berries. So no wrong choice, so to speak, as long as you realize color may fool you later. This is why some people have a cull tank the plop their shrimp into. If at any time color becomes better than expected, you can move them back.
  11. I wanted to thank everyone who was able to help offset the cost of my daughter's new low balance beam. She has been using it every day because she wants to and not because I tell her to. LOL Her twin brother is also enjoying it as well.
  12. When I changed to ro, my shrimp looked better and had shinier shells. Their colors also appeared brighter. I only used gh+ and ro, and it made a world of difference for me.
  13. My own preference is gh of 6-9. But lots of people will have other opinions as well.
  14. +1 Shrimping, in general, has many myths surrounding it- such as all shrimp eat algae, etc. Knowledge gained helps everyone. Great to have you on our forum, revolution.
  15. I'm thinking the same thing, Will...the article is about saltwater creatures, and when it mentions freshwater it states freshwater shrimp don't absorb minerals from the environment, but rather intake through diet. "Fish and shrimp live in a hypertonic environment and drinking salt water may partly fulfill of their mineral requirements (NRC, 1983). Also they make with the direct absorption of minerals through the gills, fins and skin. The situation in freshwater fish and prawns is the reverse .Freshwater fish and prawns are therefore more demanding on an adequate dietary mineral supply than marine fish and shrimp (Cowey and Sargent, 1979)."
  16. You should see good results now that you did the change. It will probably take a little while for your shrimp to recover, but your babies should bring good health to your stock.
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