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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. http://news.yahoo.com/jaws-meets-kangaroo-rare-cute-pocket-shark-found-200026568.html
  2. It could be your logo shrimp. LOL
  3. You can get them online: https://store.usps.com/store/browse/uspsProductDetailMultiSkuDropDown.jsp?categoryNavIds=shipping-supplies%3apriority-mail&categoryNav=false&navAction=push&navCount=0&productId=P_O_BOX4&categoryId=priority-mail
  4. Thanks. I've only seen three babies in the tank, but I'm hoping they have some awesome genes.
  5. You may have to look out for predators looking for free meals, and insect larvae as well. (?)
  6. http://crescentok.com/staff/jaskew/isr/biology/biolab46b.htm This is pretty interesting for those who wish to know more about cray anatomy. Did you know each leg is connected to a gill, and separated from outside environment by a thin exoskeleton? This allows air in when the legs move without allowing mud, etc in.
  7. Nope. Shrimp cherries nor cards eat hair algae. Believe me...they don't. ugh
  8. LOL I think I'm slowly swaying crazyfishlady to my side of selective breeding. I've seen light colored BV look like that from time to time as well, fishcrazy.
  9. I hope to go back and do some mystery snail breeding again at some point, but man was it a lot of work.
  10. Kordon breathers say not to float the bag because it stops O2 exchange, however I don't know if it really matters too much for such a short period of time.
  11. Knowledge gained is always good. If he could answer, it may help us out.
  12. Personally I have never lost shrimp due to a water reset. Perhaps something to try since you are having so many issues with previous water chem.
  13. They are addicting indeed. Are you using tap water? Do you have gh test?
  14. Yes. Cards will need a lower ph, but the neos can adapt.
  15. From the photo the color looks yellow, but in person it may look pink.
  16. I know in neos often the "black" is really a dark blue in some vars. Perhaps your blue is not deep enough to be black?
  17. You could even just drop it in the water if you don't want them, or freeze them. Those are mystery snail eggs, and you will finds hundreds in just one pod. As they grow they will actually eat heads of lettuce withing a couple days, so make sure you want to deal with the amount of poopage and mess. Some selective breeders will crush culls or feed off the babies to crays or fish. I used to breed them. I found them very hard to ship though.
  18. yepper. Eggs can be many colors.
  19. Looks like Priority mail price stays the same.
  20. Awesome theory, Desert! One I hope you will report back on as you learn and hear more. Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on this.
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