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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I'm not real familiar with Tigers, so others may have a better idea, however to me it looks fem.
  2. I knew I saw this before...Look at this pic from Tanman Thread here: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/643-fs-royal-blue-tiger-culls-rcs-monster-crypt-and-shrimp-food-sampler/ The blue striped shrimp were his Royal Blue Tiger Culls. Is it possible what you have is a low grade royal blue? Or in your opinion, is it something completely different?
  3. Looks like a possible BTO4 to me. http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/3424-shrimp-grading-what-does-it-mean/#entry47937
  4. I love this var. Do you have a pic of the group?
  5. Personally, I think the BT4s are awesome. Oh, and to be technical, BTOE is actually BTO. So BTO1 is Orange Eye Black Diamond Grade.
  6. Here you go: http://www.garnelenbox.de/tiere/schwarze-tiger-grades.html
  7. The Sapphires were originally thrown from a random cull tank. So neither. I managed to grab 2 and breed them out. I'll pm you.
  8. It's double edged. If you leave a negative review, the seller can leave a negative review in retaliation. Even if it wasn't that way, one buy from you as a revenge and negative reviews can be left again.That's the trouble with ANY rating system.
  9. This is how we learn best. Hands on experience. For me, I started with tap. When I switched to RO with shrimp remin, my success went way up.
  10. Great reference! Some suggestions- IMHO I would change Blue Rili to BBRR. And since Snowball/BP are neos, it should be in the same params as cherries.
  11. Thanks. No matter who you get from here, I think you'll be satisfied. BTW your Ultra Blue Dream Rili is by shrimpusa.com You may want to read reviews here: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/3386-the-green-fungus/
  12. The only other thing I could suggest right now (other than dropping temperature of the water by evaporation with a fan), is to use a remineralization product as opposed to doing that part yourself. But I'm sure others may come up with something.
  13. Tip guard? Are you referring to the vacuum tube?
  14. They do indeed, garden. Deta, I agree. That's the difference between selective breeding to increase or decrease a trait, and a mutation in the genes. Mutations are immediate and can be fun to play with. Selective breeding takes years to achieve. My trinity mantra.
  15. Great looking shrimp. Not being a troll, but honest question- Are you sure you didn't mix up a super tiger pic with a blue tiger pic? I'm used to super tigers looking like this with a yellow head and tail: (google pic)
  16. If you get plants from shops, rinse them well. Sometimes they'll use pesticides to make sure of no snails, etc. Unfortunately, most things harmful to snails are harmful to shrimp as well.
  17. If bacterial bloom, UV pump will do well to slowly get rid of it.
  18. I've been asked this same question off and on, and didn't know the answer. Well recently Anthony James, a facebook friend of mine, posted his outcome of Blue dreams x BV. Using his words they look like muddy shrimp, which could mean the blues rest on different spots in the DNA.
  19. Pretty tissue color. I know some BV's have internal tissue color like that, too.
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