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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. My daughter is 6 yrs old and has worked hard at gymnastics. Tuesday she finally got word that she has now completed all skills to be moved up to Level 2 and begin training for team! (Proud Daddy.) I don't have much money, but I'd like to buy her a floor balance beam as a gift. So, I'm selling some stuff so I can do that. Please be aware, as of the moment, I can only mail on Mondays. Only ship within the continental US. Priority box with insulation/breather bags. Shipping is only $10 no matter how many ordered. Shrimp Malawa [Caridina pareparensis parvidentata] 1.95 ea (10 for 29.50 shipped) These can be kept with cherries without cross breeding. Breed rapidly. Blue Splotched Carbons [Neocaridina Davidi] 4.50 ea (10 for 55.00 shipped) Chocolates [Neocaridina Davidi] 2.95 ea (10 for 39.50 shipped) Crayfish Marmorkrebs aka Self Cloning Marbles [Procambarus fallax f. virginalis] 2.50 ea for babies CPO aka Mexican Orange Crayfish [Cambarellus patzcuarensis] $10 ea (3 for $35 shipped.) .5" to 1" Unsexed. Plants Guppy Grass [Najas guadalupensis] $6 cup, 2 cups or more $5 ea. This is from my Malawa tank. No snails, no algae that I see. But as always dip to make sure. Fish Convict Fish [Amatitlania nigrofasciata] $1 ea (.5" - 1" long)
  2. Do it! If it works, it would be a huge leap forward in our care taking on this forum!
  3. Rachel is a well respected seller of fish, and is one of the only people to report successful breedings. I hesitate to say they bred in her tank(s) because she imports them to sell.
  4. Been doing some research and found some possible bacterial cures from a couple SKF posts: "Jenbenwren: Sorry it's taken so long but I've finally got some time to do an update on how my RCS with the nasty bacterial infection are going. I found an article on treating diseased freshwater prawns with Levimisole HCL and noticed the bacteria they were using in the study were from the same family/genius? as in this thread, when I was searching the net for any info that might help combat the infection quicker than just water changes. Here's the link http://www.sciencepu...h0303_82_85.pdffor any one interested. I have Levimiasole HCL at home from when I had guppys infected with Camalanus Worm so I decided to give it a go. It's not pure form HCL as that's very expensive, but a product called Big L's pig and poultry wormer. Levimiasole HCL is the active ingredient in it and it can be brought on line or from some livestock produce supply stores. The starter dose is 1ml per 7 litres of aquarium waster. Within 48 hours of the first dose all clinical signs of the bacterial infection had disappeared and shrimp deaths from it stopped. You can dose with Levimiasole HCL every 48 hours and can triple the dose in stubborn cases as well. I was lucky and it only infected the one tank with RCS &Chameleons. I don't know how CRS, Mishlings, TB's or other shrimp might be affected by the use of Levimiasole HCL." and another post: "Unfortunately for this shrimpkeeper it was too late to save these shrimps, but hopefully this experience will help someone else. 250+ shrimp were lost before the bacterial infection was halted. A vet was consulted and eventually ended up contacting a senior lecturer of aquatic animal health at University of Adelaide school of veterinary science. He stated that bacterial infections being internal or external are almost always gram negative in aquatics and recommended using oxytetracycline at a dose rate of 1000-2000mg per 40ltr of water.... Dosing method: Oxytetracycline is available in 2 forms. Powder and injectable. The injectable form was used as it is a stronger form so could use less to obtain the required dosage. Dosed at 1000mg per 40ltr of water. Drug worked very well and reasonable quickly. Deaths stopped within 2 days and no more deaths since. The drug will stay active in the water for 2 days. Dose the required amount on first day. Then 50% water change on 2nd day and dose again. Then 30-40% water changes for the next 2 days and then did another full dose and left it. Waited 2 days and another 30% water change. This medication will turn your water yellow, but disperses after about a week.... Caution: Oxytetracycline and any Tetracycline based product is an antibiotic. As with any antibiotic product, there is a strong chance that it will impact your filter media bacteria in a negative way. Please take all precautions to save the bacteria in your filter media. Turn off the pumps to your filter temporarily. Remove some or all your filter media and place in another location with aeration."
  5. Oh, BTW many have guessed that the fungus is Achlya.
  6. Formalin study uses formalin for treatment: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&depth=1&hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=de&tl=en&u=http://www.crustakrankheiten.de/krankheiten-bei/der-aufzucht-durch/pilzinfektionen/&usg=ALkJrhi-CAjLEReaXDbfZ_B2Nj3P9_ptGA
  7. If those treatments work, then I would try those first. I've been researching all morning to find possible cures. Out of these JBL Fungol has had some success with shrimpers, (even though it is not advised on the label.) From my research this year, the treatment that shows promise is a very risky one- and then it has only been tested on a handful of shrimp. But that is still more than I thought since I wrote the previous post. The controversial treatment? Formalin, which is kind of like formaldehyde. There has been some success with it used for other purposes also like white spot disease. The amount to dose is in question though. I know Quick Cure is a combination of formalin and malachite green, and may be the safest way to dose this treatment.
  8. I hate that this happened to you! Unfortunately it keeps popping up in imported shrimp. However, I think I *may* have found a cure... at least in theory. Problem is it has never been tested with shrimp, and to be brutally honest, may kill your infected shrimp. BUT Your shrimp has no hope otherwise, and the knowledge gained from this experiment would help the shrimp community for anyone whom has further infections. Are you game?
  9. Depends whom you talk to. For me, I'm fine with API tests. However some people like Hannah or Sera since the colors may be easier to read/accurate.
  10. That's the general idea, Lexi. Different shrimp require different thicknesses to their shells. Too much gh and they can actually become statues because they can't shed that shell. Too little and it is so thin they have a hard time molting it off.
  11. *Best Dr. Who impersonation* "Axolotls are cool." How do you keep your temp low enough?
  12. Well, in a nutshell- KH helps to stabilize ph, so it doesn't swing so much. GH helps make the shell thick or thin depending on how much there is.
  13. Now think about shrimp and hydra together.
  14. With more people getting into crays, you will definitely be an asset in this subsection, rod. I really haven't found a friendly cray group, so I'm hoping we will gradually get people here.
  15. They mature fast. At around 2" they can have their first berry. From between 20- hundreds of berries each depending on size and maturity, you can see why I tell people to freeze the babies at feeding size for fish or they'll be swamped with them. Of course with aquaponics, this is actually an advantage. No mating required, so you KNOW you will have berries and not have to rely on random happenings.
  16. I never get tired of berries.
  17. I like gh+ because I can use it for other shrimp such as cards as well.
  18. I hear ya. When I was breeding rats, I obtained a gambian pouched rat. They are as big as cats and can make good pets, but the one I got was psycho. So bad in fact, I had to put him in a hands off cage. One day shortly after, when moving his cage, he decided to do a Kujo on me and attack. This was not unsuspected since he had tried many times before to get me. However my middle finger was just on the outside and he bit through the holes in the cage wire and just about bit the top of my finger off. heh Luckily the wires stopped his mouth from closing entirely. Just cut the top of my finger in half instead. It happened so fast, and did some nerve damage so that it didn't hurt much, although I bled a lot. I had numbness while it healed for about a year, but now it's fine. BTW, I no longer have the gambian. It passed in it's sleep a couple years later.
  19. Great to see you posted an intro! Welcome to the family.
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