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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Mystery snail breed in freshwater, and lay their eggs above the waterline.
  2. Lucky you still have your full thumb.
  3. Blue Bodied Red Rili shrimp. Thank you mbenjamin16.
  4. I think my focus as of this moment is to find a readily available product commercially produced. For under $20, 8 oz treats 8,000 gallons.
  5. LOL Yep. More than one tank looks like this. I'm hoping someone will chime in with some product. I know some people have used rid-x with their shrimp, but not sure the difference between myth and fact on that.
  6. Yep you can. Not much meat on them, but yepper.
  7. I have a fair amount of substrate covered by mulm in some of my tanks, and I really am hesitant to vacuum for several reasons. Is there a product that will eat this stuff away and be shrimp safe?
  8. I think shadows may be considered variation on a theme. heh
  9. Hey Daryl, found this in a google search for something else. Thought it may help you out?
  10. Awesome info, thanks! Hannah solution should be fine to use with Pinpoint, yes?
  11. I have to buy some calibration solution, and for ease would like to buy a calibration liquid instead of making it myself. Should I buy ph 4 and calibrate to that, or buy ph 7 and calibrate for that? Which would give me more accurate results for my tank(s)? Also, this one says 7.0ph at 25c . How am I supposed to get it that cool, or is there a temp stable one I should get instead? Help?
  12. LOL Rye and I always good naturedly duel on this subject when it comes up because we have had different experiences. My Shrimp sand knocks ph down to 5.8ish, but his sand didn't do much. EDIT: I just used my pinpoint to check some of my Neo tanks and they test in the same range. DANG! Rye may be correct after all! LOL Gotta get some testing solution, recalibrate, and do some accurate testing again. *grumble grumble* On the upside, if my water is really that acidic, I may not need buffering substrate at all.
  13. No worries about that. They are the best breeders I have! LOL
  14. I'm one of the few that use UP shrimp sand. I love it. Lasts for a very long time (over a couple years now in my case) and doesn't break down much- even after drying in the oven, storing and reusing. The con is that it costs about $20 per 2kg bag, and does not contain plant nutrients.
  15. Now, something to consider for yourself is what methods to selectively breed. The bigger your gene pool, the hardier in general your shrimp down the line/harder it is to set a trait, HOWEVER the smaller your gene pool, the faster you can hone in on developing your var/may have to work on hardiness down the line. No right or wrong answer.
  16. Congrats! Wish my white would get berried!
  17. First or 2nd berries may be dropped with new moms. Par for the course. Blublu- that's a fem.
  18. Wish I knew the cotton ball trick back then. I kept having drownings in shallow water.
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