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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. If I remember correctly there is a patina that builds up on the copper pipes that protects the water from directly hitting them after awhile.
  2. I'm not sure if it is sodium or calcium bentonite, however it is added to some shrimp foods and some people put a pinch in their tanks to attach to heavy metals.
  3. I've been doing omniapro and just added b-leaves. Plis any samples sent. Heh
  4. Yep. It is true it has been that "brains" and "pain" have been an object of debate since nerve studies have been developed. The bodies of crustaceans are divided into segments, and there is one ganglion per segment. Each ganglion receives sensory and movement information via nerves coming from the muscles, the body wall, and appendages such as walking legs, swimmerets and mouthparts. When this information reaches the ganglion it is processed on the spot, enabling a faster response than if the message had to travel all the way up to a centralized brain and back. So they certainly react to and sense their environment by stimuli. The debate about pain comes from how nociceptors are interpreted in inverts as opposed to mammals. I've seen studies on nerves from inverts theorizing they respond to sensation and not pain- so that is probably why I fall on that side of the fence. Although in full transparency there are also studies that theorize pain may occur. Neither way is entirely proven yet.
  5. I had the same thing happen to me today. Red Claws all boxed up going to another member. Just waiting for them to get back to me.
  6. BP = Neo Palmata Cherry = Neo Davidi Yes, they will hybridize.
  7. You'll find shrimping has a lot of gray areas, which is why you'll see so many answers to a "simple" question. heh
  8. This is a matter of personal opinion. Some people feel you still have to change to give shrimp minerals. Others feel if nothing appears off, why change? Still others go in between and do longer periods before water changes.
  9. Figuring out Blue Wizard dosage.... Okay, 10ml per 100L = 1gh (according to the bottle) so 1ml per 10L = 1gh 10L = 2.6 gallons So 1ml per 2.6 gallons = 1gh Is my math correct?
  10. OKay, I think I know the answer to this, but I'm asking in case I got mixed up. Does crs throw golden and cbs throw snow?
  11. (Best pirate voice.) Aye, be guessin' yer right. :-) I still find it fascinating that they have no brains, and they don't feel pain. The pain part is probably a good thing considering they lose body parts to predators and such.
  12. I've noticed on some close up shots recently that our shrimp seem to have compound eyes. Is this perhaps the way they see us?
  13. Welcome to the family! We have several members here that made their own pintos and piles of info to wade through for ya. :-)
  14. I like that there's a jade strain now pretty stable. :-)
  15. Some. Not all vars. Especially when a new var is released. Now many breeders are rushing to be the first to get out the new color or pattern and the cull rates are pretty high- which frustrates me. I'm told there's also the "jades" from a yellow strain. Perhaps those may have a higher cull rate?
  16. Wilds when bred? High probiblity. Neo palmata is not a cherry, but will hybridize. Blueberries have been around for lots of years, but still not seen often. The color is thought to be brought on by diet.
  17. Provided she is a true Blueberry, she is Neo Palmata.
  18. I doubt it. If she has not received a correct sperm plug, another will probably get to her before her shell hardens.
  19. IMO in the rare instance they may try, doesn't mean it will happen. I've never seen a convincing incident yet of a card/neo hybrid yet. In all occasions I've seen, a neo wild has been thrown and people assume it means a hybrid happened. Perhaps the deed doesn't happen, or perhaps eggs are infertile? Who knows? Cool vid though! I'd love for the first instance of a real hybrid to happen for ya!
  20. I'm not much of a phographer, I'm afraid. But this is my fave pic I've taken of my Nessie:
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