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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I'm trying to research it on the net, but coming up empty handed. Do you have links to info you have found?
  2. I'm still at a loss. Maphly didn't have a problem with it, neither did orhunterfisher. Both have TBs.
  3. I don't know much about rabbit snails, but is that the Operculum?
  4. Welcome! I have 4 high functioning autistic kids in this family, so I know some of the emotionally challenges first hand. I think its great you and he will be working together! I do shrimp, and have recently been starting with crays as well. And yes. Marbles can be eaten, though not a lot of meat on them. Again, welcome!
  5. I'm about to undergo a new project and I need to get some shrimp from a red rili strain with the absolutely CLEAREST body tissue. I've looked around and received RR, but almost all throw or display some degree of blue tissue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Perhaps we should start a microcrab research project thread here that people could join and share their findings?
  7. LOL I know. That's where I got this one. I guess I'm asking if anyone has them as pets.
  8. I do, and man am I getting into them now. I just have one wild, but I get to play with genetics again.
  9. I've ready very few accounts of successful breedings. Would you please pm me this person's contact info, do I may inquire more?
  10. Fabio and Deta hit the nail on the head. Trying to molt will look exactly like this. Death will occur if it is too hard to get out of the molt and gh is not correct.
  11. OKay. I'm officially amazed so far, Mayphly.
  12. LOL You have more faith in me than I have, my friend. Still, it may be worth a try.
  13. I'm very seriously looking at buying a bunch to see if I can unlock the breeding code.
  14. Yepper. The nice thing about a forum is that you get a variety of opinions, however we all agree that you need to get your cycle going.
  15. Nope. But you need the bacteria in the tank, too.
  16. Mulm is one of the things you tend to live with for long periods of time in a shrimp tank. No, my sponge does not take mulm out.
  17. Substrate adds additional area for beneficial bacteria to grow on. As far as filters, the carbon is not needed except to remove meds. The sponge is important to grow more bacteria on, and if desired mechanical filtration. Some people even take their HOBs and empty it so they can put in ceramic media. Really, the biggest thing you want is the bacteria. Sucking up mulm can create small Nitrite spikes which can hurt your shrimp. Just leave it lay for now. Many people (myself included) just do air driven sponge filters. Cheap, and effective.
  18. Hikari supplied info on shrimp blood awhile back. Here's their answer: "...we (humans) have red blood cells which contain hemoglobin. Hemoglobin contains iron metal (Fe), and this iron actually absorbs oxygen at large and delivers this oxygen to every part of body and organs. However, in the case of Shrimp, they have Hemocyanin in their blood cells, with copper metal. They use copper to deliver oxygen to their vital organs and circulatory system. That is why their blood is clear or green color rather than red color like ours (humans)."
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