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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. The challenge is that shrimp are more sensitive than fish. Here's an example of params for pretty hardy neos: pH – 7-8 gH – 6-9 kH – 0-4 TDS – 100-400 Temperature – 64 – 80F Also test for Nits and ammonia(-ium) Not all those params will have a cherry shrimp thrive, but they'll survive. Challenge is if you don't know basic information about your water, it is almost impossible to troubleshoot. If you are really strapped on money, test strips are better than nothing, and don't cost an arm and a leg to buy.
  2. I used to have some that someone sent me. Ate hydra, and were very prolific. Unfortunately I found out they were illegal in IL and I destroyed them before I got in trouble.
  3. Good advice from everyone. I see you have neos which are more tolerant of param swings. The black on their heads is actually their "guts." You can see through them to the contents they ate, so they much have eaten some dark stuff recently.
  4. I have lots and lots of shrimp items I have accumulated over the years that I just don't want to part with because I don't know when I'll use any. LOL Yeah, I'm an aqua supplies hoarder. I'm limited on space. Any creative ideas for helping to organize/store this stuff?
  5. I dried out my UP aqua shrimp sand completely bone dry on a cookie sheet in the oven, stored it in a 2 liter bottle and reused it 6 months later. No harm done. Don't know if amazonia is different or not...
  6. Pretty Spixi. Too bad they aren't offered more often now that they're illegal to cross state lines. I know some people who have kept them just to make sure hydra don't pop up.
  7. Did you go through all that work of scanning that in? Very interesting booklet.
  8. I'm seeing more and more dragons vars lately. I'm afraid the plain red will be going extinct soon.
  9. Still new at TB, but dragon has swirls of black in it.
  10. Problem is it is illegal to export shrimp to Canada or import them without the proper paperwork.
  11. I think they are a loss leader during these sales nmac. When you think about it, it is really very smart. They lose some money in the short run on tanks, but in the long run now that someone has tanks, they "need" to buy equipment and decor to make it functional and look nice.
  12. If you haven't already, wear a mask when sanding. I don't want to see you come down with lung problems, my friend!
  13. Found a thread where we were discussing it before: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/1620-moss-balls/?hl=%2Bmoss+%2Bball Now, having said that, I once cut apart 3 moss balls and made a carpet on the bottom of my aquarium. Looked great, but the pieces kept floating like hovercrafts at the slightest provocation. LOL
  14. I used to think the same thing, James. Turns out the real marimo balls are protected in Japan and illegal to export. They are made with the water naturally rolling them around to form balls. The ones we end up getting here in the US are some form of clado algae rolled by hand. They don't keep their shape unless taken out and rolled, and in worst case scenario- spreads over the tank, so no new balls formed. They also can be pretty dirty inside which carries who knows what bacterias. It's like anything else, just know what one is getting into before doing it. Then make an informed decision one way or the other.
  15. Whenever topping off, yes- use pure RO because TDS is left behind. Now that you know params started well, you are already narrowing down suspects. Have any ideas what may be raising your gh?
  16. That's the way I have told them apart...well that and the thickness of pigment.
  17. I hope the carbons are further along now. When I first got them I bought from a breeder that said they bred true. Ie. clears = clears, blues= blues. It quickly became apparent to me while breeding that either could throw either.
  18. I understand. They can be very hard to sex at such a small size. That's why I sell in sets of 3 for a low price. I figure in this way it increases your chances by at least 1/3 of an opposite sex.
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