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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I'm not doubting your experience, James. Just saying other people can have different experiences too.
  2. I think Wicca acclimated hers to 7+ and were breeding, but she lost them during a move.
  3. A very wise person once told me that Not all animals are born equal. Some are just born as food to feed other animals. That may have just been a random death.
  4. Boiling water should be fine for disinfecting. Perhaps a hot mug of boiling water and a dip of the net before going to another tank?
  5. When people have asked me what var should I try to breed fro, my answer has always been for them to do what interests them. This is exactly what I'm talking about, mben. If it interests you, I say GO FOR IT!
  6. I've read in several places that green hulk tends to become black over time. I hope you succeed, garden.
  7. Great news on the berries! Soon you will be able to help others from your experiences as well.
  8. If you do it incorrect, then yes. Gather the water you are going to put into the tank and make it the correct params. Drain the tank of all water except about an inch or so. Use an airline to siphon in the new water. I've never had a berried shrimp drop her eggs or lost any shrimp this way since any changes in params happen so slowly. (I like to aim the water at a glass wall, or have it waterfall into moss to avoid stirring up debris.) And even if you do have 1 DOA for some unknown reason, you have already had a bunch of deaths already, and this can stop them.
  9. Those are the best ice packs there are, as far as I know. The challenge is they are also more expensive.
  10. I don't think refridge would work since it would warm up too fast.
  11. well, yeah. I mean, I've received shrimp dead because of being cooled off too much. Not sure how low the cold has to dip though.
  12. Stoned, some people use tap with great success. When I used it, although params read fine, the shrimp would die off...until I changed to all RO. Challenge is tap conditions can change season to season and in a heartbeat. We do a bunch of tests on water, but we don't test for everything. Have you thought about RO with remin? It may help with survival. IN this case, it would be fairly simple to do a water reset, provided you have the remin product already.
  13. and whole lifetimes are on those cars. One of my favorites of recent times is Mummy on the Orient Express.
  14. Never heard of the Chihiros Doctor Nano S devices. How much are they vs twinstar?
  15. yeah, but totally "feasible" concept regarding how mistakes can happen while trying to better the human race.
  16. Blue Jelly is very close to BV. Jury is out on how they were developed.
  17. It has Santa in it. So I was initially excited about Peter Capaldi playing the Doctor, but was disappointed with the way he was written and Clara was written last year. Clara has always been intelligent and yet looked up to the doctor... but last year, they made her totally out of character with her new boyfriend, and ordering the doctor around, and the doctor almost becoming subservient. (Not to mention she instantly became a school teacher somehow. UGH.) With the killing off of Pink (yay), and seeing the Christmas show- I think (hope) we're back on track to their old personalities again.
  18. YES! Dendro! I guess this will be the official Dr Who club here.
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