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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Anymore deaths besides the 3? Wine panda okay? Misch turn out okay?
  2. I bought 4 and they all have turned a brownish. I think it may be because they are used to a lower ph.
  3. What's still aquarium tubing? and Pic?
  4. I'm hoping others can chime in here, 'cause I'm stumped!
  5. They don't have store brand ro water by the gallon jugs?
  6. Have you tried putting a line across the top of the tank so the floaters will not go past it to get dunked?
  7. That's the correct way of doing it. Totally dumb founded that you had deaths. Any chance of fumes entering an air pump, spray near the tank, project dust, or something on your hands?
  8. Yeah, that's pretty much BS. LOL Do you have a grocery store near you? You can buy water in jugs.
  9. For those who can't see the pic Desert posted, he likes blue carbons.
  10. Monty, what is your ph? Have you noticed the males as a tan color?
  11. If it was a bad batch, it would have affected both tanks. Just to understand better, you used 100mg on the tenner and how much on the 20g?
  12. I've never lost any shrimp from fenben ever over years. How much did you use?
  13. I'd take it back for a refund and take your tds meter to prove it.
  14. BP are great shrimp. True classics. Their color can change some, but their red dots are pretty. And without knowing it, you are helping to preserve a vanishing variety I think, since they seem to not be sold much anymore.
  15. That's good news then. They should know the background of the shrimp. One last thing, there is the rare occurrence of BVR (blue velvet red) that some shrimp retain some red into adulthood before it fades. But that is rare, as said.
  16. 1st timers usually drop eggs, so if that's the case it is to be expected. Also if water params are off, eggs can be dropped. There are some sellers that sell blue rilis as BV. Heck, I've even seen blue pearls being sold as BV. Problem is some sellers go by what the shrimp LOOK like and not the actual genetic background. Unfortunately doing this screws not only the buyer, but anybody that buyer may eventually give shrimp to. Yet another reason to buy from a shrimp forum. Most of the time the shrimp sellers are hobbyists themselves and know the genetic background.
  17. Something else to consider is that teh tank was m,ore densely packed after the intro of the other shrimp.
  18. Interesting question, and one I cannot answer. I'd be interested to know as well. Another theory is perhaps they mistook the yellow shrimp for their own because they were close in cpo color?
  19. This is actually a common confusion. PRL just means no goldens are in the genes to be thrown. That's it. It has nothing to do with how white the shrimp is. We post pics all the time in this hobby of PRL, however most of those pics are of exceptional opaque shrimp that breeders have taken the dedicated effort over years to selectively breed. The general rule is, the better looking the shrimp- the more expensive it is. up into the thousands of dollars in some cases. Can people and do people get ripped off on Ebay and Amazon? Unfortunately some do. Do they overcharge? Again, some do. You'll have much better luck if you buy from this forum. I'm sorry you learned that lesson the hard way.
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