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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I tried a ruler shot, but the pellet is about an inch away from the glass, and I kept getting the shrimp blurred and not horizontal, but at weird angles. But yeah. They meet/exceed 3cm.
  2. As in all husbandry, experiments are essential to learning more and furthering our keeping.
  3. LOL I'm used to looking for them, but they do blend in. They would probably do great with fish for that reason.
  4. Monty, is that Morgana's pic? I love the opaque TiBs, but not the see throughs. I would head in the same direction.
  5. I don't think that's possible. It takes time for the exoskeleton to harden.
  6. I'm new to crystals in general. I have several 3cm fems in my red project tank. Do they not usually grow that big?
  7. I've thought about mattenfilters, but they just take up too much space for me.
  8. I like this idea much better than some chemicals I'm been told about. Will the alum harm moss?
  9. Anyone here have microcrabs? Tips on care?
  10. Great to hear about the crabs surviving! What did you use?
  11. I've always had challenges taking pics of my BBRR. For some reason the camera just doesn't pick up the blue very well.
  12. Maylee, I'll be honest with ya. I have 60+ tanks set up and almost every one of them has a double sponge filter. I love them for multiple reasons, BUT they can be a pain in the a$$ because almost every week I have some popping off the glass and rising to the surface. I think what I am going to do soon is silicone a clip or the filter itself upright on a piece of ceramic tile, and place that in the tank. Then that challenge will be over. As far as seeding your filter, you can also take a small bucket of water, set up your double sponge in it, and squeeze out the mulm from your current sponge into the bucket. Squeeze the sponges on the double filter in the water to get them good and "dirty." Let it run for a day, and that will allow the bacteria to impregnate the double sponges.
  13. Welcome! great to have you join us.
  14. They should berry up pretty quick for ya. Pretty plant in the background. What is that?
  15. I'm sure someone will chime in with No Planaria. Best to have someone with experience answer that one. I use fishbenzadole (fenben) on the rare occasions I get hydra. For planaria it is recommended 100mg per 10 gallons, but for hydra I use half the dose. It take a little longer for the hydra to show effects, but it still works fine. Remember that is degrades in light, so turn the light off for the first day or so. Take out any nerites or mystery snails because besides hydra and planaria, those are affected too.. http://www.theshrimptank.com/pest-disease-control/fish-bendazole/
  16. Some great pics of extreme blue bolt and extreme blue king kong are here: http://www.caridine.it/scheda-descrittiva-taiwan-bee.html
  17. Wow. great shot! Wish I had your camera skills, my friend!
  18. Just think, you'll have this experience to help someone else who goes through the same thing you just did.
  19. This is one of the fascinations about BV. The eggs will be yellow in color from first day of berry, then they start turning reddish as they are nearing to hatch. The young will look like red rilis and the red will start fading as they approach juvie age. Less than 1% retain red into adulthood, and of those 1% nearly all of them will have the red gone by older adult. The dilution gene on them is delayed.
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