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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Keep a close eye on them. because teh rest appear healthy, you may want to do my method for a water reset to lower bacteria levels and give them a better chance at not getting it.
  2. AHA! As we posted more, something clicked in my mind. Knew I saw it somewhere before! Here's how one person Cured his green fungus. His name is Sewoeno and this is how he did it: "a while back i posted a thread about that disease thats popping up in some shrimp. looks furry and green like deflated eggs under the belly? well i'm happy to say i cured my little shrimp! i still have him in QT but i don't see any signs of it on him anymore. i know you all say that 'ick' med is bad for inverts, but maybe hes strong (blue neo) but i did dips of it every couple of days over the past 2 weeks. about 1-3 drops in less than a gallon of water. one time i left him overnight because i forgot but still was kicking. its the malachite green / formalin products. be careful obviously but it was a success! hope you give it a try if you see that on your shrimp too..."
  3. Just a thought, however maybe just do thread on who are our members in Europe? People tend to know people, so maybe it may lead to something?
  4. Sorry you are going through that. ryan, for the cost of what you are paying for cherries in pet stores, members here sell much high quality at lower prices. Something to consider. (?)
  5. My own motto is if I'm very suspicious, I cull. Better for me to be wrong with one than to be wrong and ruin a colony.
  6. Thanks Spialtz, I hope so too. These weren't my best that survived, but they still should have the genes and save me a couple of years of work.
  7. If your shrimp has a paper white band and not clear, it sure sounds as if bacterial. Usually they get that clear separation when ready to molt.
  8. Some people try artificially hatching them. I know Han has an egg tumbler he sells if you want to have it on hand for next time.
  9. Rye is correct, unfortunately. People have tried a lot of different meds, but I've not heard of any working well. Here's kind of a silly question, but are you sure your shrimp isn't berried?
  10. If it concerns the shrimp posted, I see no sign of infection... are you referring to the stripe down the back?
  11. Will has it for cheap. fishbenzadole is the best fenben I have found: http://www.theshrimptank.com/pest-disease-control/fish-bendazole/
  12. Problem is, if you have some you see, there are 10x the amount you don't see. Some people use No Planaria with good results. I'm gunshy since I've read too many times of young shrimp deaths. I've used Fenben myself. Works every time, with 0 deaths for me of my shrimp. Regardless of which type of med for your tank you use, it's important to use it to save young shrimp.
  13. I'm 50ish, have 3 kids aged 10 and under, and am an actor/stay at home dad. I have almost NO energy! LOL You are doing it right, my friend!
  14. I had to share this post from Phil. For those who don't think hydra are problematic in invert tanks, look at this. Click on pic to make it bigger.:
  15. YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!! I have 4 Sunshines left and I've been procrastinating putting them in with my strain #2. For once, my procrastination paid off! One of my Sunshines is berried! I now have the start of a new colony provided she holds her berries! :D :D :D
  16. I've only used it for gh, but it has been pretty rock stead from one reading to the next for me on that when double checking.
  17. heh The mods are pretty quick to get rid of spam here. I'm always amazed at close ups of the eye of shrimp.
  18. Beautiful! What a great colony you have! What are the dimensions of the tank?
  19. Funny how we get drawn into the hobby pretty quick. I think you'll notice a huge difference almost immediately though.
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