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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Euryth, this is why I believe same colors may reside at different loci. Even mixing some blue strains result in wilds.
  2. Mr. F, totally makes sense in theory!
  3. @plamski Would the blue edge on the kk make them shadows?
  4. Are you at liberty to say what you are using it for?
  5. Goldens can have a yellowish shell pigment, while snows have whitish. Some people keep crs in 7+ successfully. Dazalea is one.
  6. This may help more? http://www.harmonyglass.com/bevelsClearCircles.shtml http://www.behrenbergglass.com/flat-glass/flat-clear-1-8-glass-ds/5-round-clear-flat-1-8/
  7. This may help: http://www.instructables.com/id/Remove-Silver-Backing-from-a-Mirror-To-clear-glas/?ALLSTEPS
  8. Goldens are pretty common. Crystals throw them. They used to be bred to crs for higher grade patterns. When pure red lines came in, demand for goldens plummeted. Now you can find goldens for $2-3 each. Care is the same as crs. They may be used to your params now.
  9. Euryth, going by phenotype, you have what looks like us "old timers" used to call a Grade G bee. Once, they were the new thing. People wanted to selectively breed lines of them to increase pigment color. Then they dropped out of fad, and goldens (as they are now called) became disposable. The last person I've heard of selectively breeding them called hers Cheeto because they became so orange. I think she lost interest in continuing her line years ago. Here's pic of a yellowish golden:
  10. Well, if PFY exists as a strain it is a well guarded secret. I've seen sports (one offs) but not consistancy. My Sunshine project was the closest I found over years of searching...and that died out. Mayphly or Shrimpscales may be better to ask about goldens.
  11. There is an orange bee shrimp. You can check to see if yours resemble this guy's colony.
  12. Have a ways to go until they are a strain, Vpier. But I'll love the challenge getting there. ;-)
  13. Soothing Shrimp


  14. From the album: Malawa

  15. Thanks, Steve. :-) Greenteam and I will both be working with your blue Sulawesi to ensure your shrimp continue on. :-)
  16. LOL Get a pitcher of water, some walnut substrate, your test kits- and let us know Wygglz. ;-)
  17. Caught up with your journal since May. Wonderful progress, and I too learned more about shrimp anatomy!
  18. Interesting question. Crushed walnut shell substrate has been used for years in the pet community. Wonder what would happen in water?
  19. Leaves and a pellet of snowflake should be fine. :-)
  20. Many things we do after a challenge is change too many things too fast. You already did a water change. Ph is fine. I'd suggest just treating it normally for a week and see if things slowly come back to normal.
  21. Wow! Interesting for sure. I wonder if you have a yellow gene on a different location that is co-dom or dom over red? Grrrrrr... Color research needs to be done in neos!
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