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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. The biggest challenge is to have food small enough for them to eat. Otherwise I hear they die out pretty fast.
  2. Neither did I, however since shrimp genetics are still mysterious, and more and more halfsiders are becoming common in Europe- it's beginning to look like inverts may be able to have some kind of genetic coloring disposition emulating (or indeed real) chimera. True chimera are two different embryos that failed to split. Twins in one body so to speak. Who knows if it works teh same way in shrimp. I know of an experiment that took a halfsider x TB, and wound up with 30% halfsiders. So genetics of this look pretty promising. To find out conclusively if this was chimera, each side would have to be tested and the genetics compared. If each DNA side is different, then it is true chimera. If not, then we know it is some kind of coloring issue.
  3. Will, they look like they're different on each side. I have a theory they are chimera.
  4. Is anyone currently selling halfsiders in the US?
  5. She's hitching a ride. LOL Mating occurs belly to belly, so we know it's not that. Besides, looks as if they are two fems.
  6. Don't know alibird. heh It just popped up in google.
  7. heh I know what you are saying. I used to do the same thing. The challenge is that although things may not be deadly yet, your shrimp maybe tolerating more dangerous levels of things. With as much money is invested in your shrimp (Ie. Blue Bolts and more to come), and testing stuff being so inexpensive, it may be a wise investment for yourself. It's also one of the only ways to start detective work when things occasionally go wrong.
  8. Thought I'd share for monty and anyone else some pics I found of blue TiBs. Royal blue x crystal
  9. Some people add trace minerals, however I've just used gh+ for years with no problems.
  10. I'm not trying to be a smart a$$, so please don't take it that way. However if you don't test params, how do you know params are fine?
  11. Provided whatever shrimp you use are camouflaged, they'll have a better chance at survival. Ie. ghost shrimp are clear, chocolate shrimp are brown and blend (if substrate is brown), etc.
  12. True, but you can make pizza with many of the same ingredients and different people have preferences of one over another.
  13. yepper. You can stand there poking the water all day with your finger and it would do basically the same thing. LOL
  14. Maylee, that's pretty much correct. You see the background of red rili is the red cherry. Since red rili came from red cherry, you can put both together- BUT you lose the pure strain. That's why you have to cull cull cull to get it back again.
  15. I'd use shrimp you don't care about. And lots of plants to hide in. Some people are able to do it just fine, but those are usually the ones with lots of cover.
  16. Your Malawa will soon out breed every shrimp you have!
  17. I don't think that was an infection, my friend. What was the ph of the tank you moved from, and what was the ph you dropped it into?
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