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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Neos are really very good at adapting. I rush teh process for drip acclimating for neos by lowering the container water to maybe 1/2" and then fast dripping until rough TDS is reached. Haven't lost one yet by doing that. I take much more time with crystals/TB though.
  2. My neos died when I was using tap. According to params everything was fine though. As soon as I switched to RO, I have much fewer challenges.
  3. Congrats! Looks like you have a genetic color. If you decide to breed for it, you could bring an entirely new var into neo shrimp. These are the things that make me salivate.
  4. The ear spots I was referring to are the clear patches on the sides of the head. Here's a good example from Google: But to answer your question Chib, yepper. They can hear. Not sure how, but here's a scientific paper abstract for ya. http://news.sciencemag.org/2011/03/crustaceans-crave-little-quiet#
  5. I think it really depends on if display or hobby in a back room. Mine is hobby breeding in a back room,. so a cheap black plastic rimmed tenner is fine.
  6. Yepper. In fact to get rid of ear spots, some breeders mix high quality red and rilis and then cull cull cull.
  7. 1. GBR 2. Crazyfishlady 3. Steve R. 4. Metageologist 5.cindygao0217 6. Shrimpin' Granny 7. zodiac 8. Sumo82 9. Spialz 10. Elo500 11. TheGardenofEder 12. Aiko =) 13. swissian 14. sai_dee 15.Rockadoodle 16. Soothing Shrimp
  8. I wonder if I breed the shrimp in the last pic together, if I would get a clear crystal?
  9. Well, I do have some with little to no white. This may tell you how they are doing as well. And burred as it is, I like this pic. One with white and no red, and one with red and no white. heh
  10. Ren, I thought it looked like ghost bee too, which is why it's confusing to me. Here's a pic of Dukendabears ghost bees/cwb
  11. I was holding some TB in my crs tank that I am trying to make all red through selective breeding. This was several months ago. One BB berried and gave "birth" before being moved to her own tank, so misch are mixed up with my red project. I left them in. Now I find what looks like a CWB in the tank?!? The TB have already been moved about awhile ago, so I can only guess that this came from the BB x Red breeding. Any TB x Red offspring are still small, and not old enough to breed. My Reds have clear spaces where the white would be. Some people refer to these as D grades. I'm pretty positive they are not misch. heh This shrimp in question has clear spaces where the red would be. Anyway, here is a poor pic of my "CWB" No idea how the genetics worked on this...Does this look like a CWB to anyone else?
  12. Well shoot. At least you have 3 or so right now.
  13. I don't remember exactly. I remember they were in considered grade G and in high demand at the time because they were said to shimmer as if having gold metallics. The admiration for the shrimp was similar to what TB have now. Interesting how they are often considered undesirable in the present day. Goes to show ya shrimping goes in fads. I know for a fact that there were available in 2006, so it has to be earlier than that they were created.
  14. No offense, AL10, however I like to have captive bred whenever I can.
  15. Looking for a starting breeding colony.
  16. LOL No, you are looking through the aquarium to others.
  17. I have 20+ young convict fish available for sale or trade. ~1/2" long. Prefer to trade for shrimp, least killifish, or possibly endlers.
  18. Ain't it purdy? Little guys with BIG personality! Mexican Orange Crays, aka CPO or Cambarellus patzcuarensis var. Orange are small brightly orange lined dwarf crays that do not eat my plants/mosses. They will eat the occasional small ramshorn snail. I feed snowflake and fish food flake. Currently they are non-sexed and between 1/2" and 3/4." They only grow to about one and a half inches. Some people keep them with shrimp and fish, but I've quickly become fascinated by them, so I keep them in their own tank. They are often used as a clean up crew. Because they are a crayfish, even as small as they are, they are really not picky about params. ShrimpFever has these params listed: pH – 6.0-8.0 gH – 3-25 kH – 1-15 TDS – 100-500 Temperature – 16-26C or 60 – 80F Mine are in Ro remin with SS gh+ to 300TDS. Easy peasy. A reminder to use hiding spots for molting. That's when they are the most vulnerable. A minimum sized tank suggestion would be a 5g with multiple hiding spots for 3. Larger tanks allow more room to be out in the open and observe their behavior. I have several packages available right now. Each package consists of: 3 unsexed Mexican Orange Crays roughly between 1/2" - 3/4" in length FREE insulated Priority Shipping (continental US) Breather bag to keep them safe during travel ----------------------------------> Just $35
  19. I've read that, but have never been able to verify it.
  20. Let's hope the genetics are there to carry on.
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