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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Did you have nerites? I've heard many times the nerites died after dosing fenen.
  2. Looks to be a work in progress. I don't agree with several things in this chart though, so I wouldn't go by it yet.
  3. I've seen the neo one, and IMHO it's not accurate yet.
  4. UP aqua shrimp sand does not leech ammonia (-ium), is a bit more expensive but can last over a year or more.
  5. If you get caught doing it without the proper documentation, fines, banning of owning aquatics and jail time can even result. :-/
  6. yes. Does this make it last longer?
  7. jerrich, would you please show your DIY of your block filters?
  8. Are you feeding neos or crystals? If neos, careful on feeding too much spinach as it has astaxanthin in it.
  9. makes sense since the theory is Blue Jelly = kk x crystal white
  10. Dragonfly larvae. Keep it, feed it,and it should become beautiful.
  11. Moss is always a good thang for shrimp. Congrats!
  12. What you have pictured in the first photo is a Neocaridina Davidi. Commonly called Red Cherry Shrimp or RCS. Looks like you have a nice Sakura quality there. Welcome to the forum!
  13. Nope. Now having said that, somewhere years down the road you may find you need to add new genes or you may have some breeding depression. (lowered breeding rates.)
  14. Research has shown that shrimp are fine interbreeding up through the tenth generation and beyond.
  15. *shrugs* My Pinpoint so far has lasted me 2 yrs so far. Perhaps this is an exception?
  16. Wasn't it discussed that one possibility could have been lighting in the cell phone photo they took?
  17. I agree with garden. You don't know what these shrimp are capable of yet, and you don't want to mix in any more genes until you breed these for a time. Of course there is always the breeding trilogy involved (time, space, money), but provided you are able to do this, it should be a pretty interesting project. I have never seen yellows pop out of my rilis.
  18. So with the Apex pH / ORP Probe Modules costing the same as a pinpoint, I'd still be better off with pinpoints. Man, this isn't easy.
  19. Shrimp, I'll look up the ghl-profilux. Any other suggestions of brands to look at are appreciated.
  20. Oh, he gives coding for each of his ph interfaces, and it is on his page per interface.
  21. Here's a link that shows some coding and a DIY ph controller. This guy is very open source and sells ph interfaces as well for the $9 probes you can buy from Ebay.
  22. My ideal dream is to have lots of cheap wireless ph probes in multiple tanks transmitting to one monitor. Maybe they already have something like this I don't know about? If so, let me know!!! If not, I'm trying to find a cheap way to have wireless ph probes send to my computer. My ideal plan would be to have *multiple tanks* send wirelessly the info to my computer, hence why I need it so cheap. (I just hate to pay $88 a pop if I don't have to for lots of Marine pinpoints.) I have almost no knowledge of electronics, so will this work, or am I missing something? http://www.amazon.com/DFRobot-Analog-pH-Meter-Kit/dp/B00R5CCI92/ref=aag_m_pw_dp?ie=UTF8&m=A3O3SSGGJLKX15 connected to one of these http://www.amazon.com/nRF24L01-Wireless-Transceiver-Arduino-Compatible/dp/B00E594ZX0/ref=pd_sim_indust_5?ie=UTF8&refRID=02NSFVW02THPC3Z2W4CY with the other one connected to a USB adapter for my computer? Something tells me it's not this easy. Like I need some sort of power supply and some kind of aduino controller or something...(?) Would the total cost be more than a pinpoint? I'd love to use this, but I know it would set me over the $88 limit: http://www.amazon.com/Atlas-Scientific-CIRCUIT-FOR-ARDUINO/dp/B00641R1PQ/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1426303327&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=%22wireless+ph+sensor%22
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