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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. YAY! The eggs will definitely make up for the missing male. :
  2. As for your other question, take a look at this thread. http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/1018-lets-talk-pintos/
  3. There's a lot of confusion amongst breeders too. heh What ones says, another says differently. Here's what makes sense to me: crystal x tiger var = TiB (which actually stands for tiger bee) crystal x TT = pseudo TiB (since TT is not technically a tiger) TB x Tiger var = TaiTiB (Taiwan Tiger Bee)
  4. The key things to look for it that it is clear, 100% silicone with no antifungal (mold) inhibitors. The pet store stuff is the same stuff, just repackaged small and charging you three times the price.
  5. Interesting packaging. Very dressy. heh Where did you get it?
  6. Sounds - and looks- like a very bad bacterial infection. If it was the tiger parasite he'd be acting normally. You could spend $$$ treating him, but IMHO, isolate or cull him immediately and wait to see if any others pop up with it.
  7. GREAT idea about the tester shrimp! I hadn't thought of that one. Yeah, this is really weird. Also never heard of it before.
  8. I need my B&K fix. When does the next one come out?!?
  9. LOL I was going to say the same thing Rye. 9th dragon, even true breeding shrimp have very deep recessives. (Co-dominant, incomplete and partial,etc) Breeding different types together will sometimes result in a surprise or two, however Meta is correct. The mixing of these recessives and dom together with have the end result of wilds.
  10. You may want to rethink the moss ball. It's actually algae that can spread. Also, you'll have to turn it frequently or one side will die. If you do use it, place it in different water first and squeeze the bejeebers out of it. Often it is very dirty inside.
  11. I hear ya on the booster pump. My tap is low pressure as well, but high on TDS. So I do get some TDS in my RO and it takes a long time to fill, but as I don't wish to fork out $$$ for the booster, that's fine with me.
  12. Oh, and would you please go into detail about the kanamycin? what size tank, how much dosed, etc? I've not heard about this drug.
  13. Did they offer you a full refund, I hope?
  14. I think that whatever breeding project you decide to go for (yellow or not), you should do it because you love the strain. heh Many different ways to go about it, so I say go for it! ...and yeah, although I'm a guy, this is one hobby where women are on equal ground.
  15. Welcome to our forum! We were created to share and help others, including sharing secrets we find along the way. I think you'll like it here.
  16. The reason I asked about TDS is this: "Q. How long will the filters last? A. Though we are lab-certified for 15 gallons per filter under the strictest conditions, our customers with tap water near 200 TDS tell us that one filter will treat about 30 gallons of water..." (found on zerowater site) So, Tap with 400 TDS will run 15 gallons, etc. Filters are about $38 for a 2 pk from Kohls. http://www.kohls.com/product/prd-897400/zerowater-2-pk-replacement-filters.jsp IMO, once you pay for a 23 cup Zerowater, and 2 filters, you could have bought an RO unit.
  17. You'll wind up with a majority of BR. BV is pretty easily lost since it is so recessive. Still have blue shrimp though.
  18. Chib, store ghosts are really not kept that great. They are meant to be kept alive until used as feeders, so any of the deaths could have been from prior environment and not your fault.
  19. Heyya neil. The density of coverage in the reds is actually made of tiny spots of pigment on the sides of the body. These poor looking cherries were then bred to display more and more of these dots until looking solid. (Actually, it looks more like a web under a microscope.) The stripe has never been bred to cover the whole shrimp. I've theorized it could be done that way over time to create a pink, cream or even white shrimp, but I may be very wrong. It really depends if the modifiers have a written in code that they should "stop" and not progress beyond a certain point. Ie. the back. If that is the case than no matter how much one breeds for coverage from the stripe, one would have to have a legit mutation where that code was either written in error, or the "stop" line of the code was missing entirely. My Sunshine strain was created by increasing the dot coverage as well. Unfortunately they seem to have reached a dead end where either breeding depression set in, or sterility may have happened. I'm now mixing them with my yellow strain #2 to try to get jump start them again. Does this help?
  20. Yeah, that's where I coined the phrase BVR for the adults that still have the red and lose it later.
  21. Let's calm down the harsh remarks, folks. We're all friends here.
  22. Occasionally this will pop up in Red Rili, BR and BV. Not sure why. Much more rare in BV though. Much more common in BR.
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