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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. I love the name Royal Whites. So, this is actually a crs that have been bred to remove the red? Awesome! How is one able to tell the difference between a snow white and a royal white?
  2. My understanding is that the nice cambarellus diminutus blue color comes with low ph. Although a different type of cray, I've not tried that with my CPOs yet. Is anyone able to chime in with low ph and CPOs?
  3. Dwarf crays are extremely hard to sex when young. At least for me. That is why many people including myself send them them out unsexed up through juvie age. Now that my remaining CPOs are entering adulthood, I am able to sex them okay.
  4. MK's Blood diamond is roughly $20 for 9.6 ounces (284 ml) Bio-Culture SMW is roughly $20 for 3.4 ounces (100.5 ml) Directions are identical: For new tank setup, add 10 ml for every 100 liters (~25 gallons) of water. For maintenance, add 10 ml to 100 liters (~25 gallons) of water weekly. For water changes, add 10 ml in every 20 liters (~5 gallons) of new water. Use half dosage for saltwater applications. Avoid overdosing. That's cost break down. As to which performs better- ???
  5. I remember back in 2012 people were using this in Europe and Asia. People reported it didn't change gh too much, and just lowers ph a little. It did raise TDS as I recall. Basically it was dissolved rock turned into a solution for over 20 minerals to be added for shrimp and plant health. Can be used with freshwater and saltwater. I don't think I've ever read a bad review on it. Hmmmmmmmmmm....how come I've never used it then? I don't remember if it was a remin or an additive though... Let me do some quick googling here... Looks like it is still being made. Here's some info: http://www.predatoryfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?17105-Aquarist-Chamber-New-Arrival-Bio-Culture-SMW&s=7bc2365ef1fae9b80b939d7728aac3dc&p=66748&viewfull=1#post66748 I also found this: "SKA notes: We use this in conjunction with Salty Shrimp Bee Shrimp GH+ to remineralize our RO water to add trace minerals. When dosed directly in the tank it has a similar effect as breeding liquid but generally that is not recommended as it can lower the ph of the water if overdosed (not recommnended to use with Tiger Shrimps, Sulawesi or Neo's)"
  6. fixed... 1. Spialz 2. Thegardenof 3. Elo500 4. Mlsthuy1 5. 07armando17 6. Metageologist 7. Nick_R 8. Steve R. 9. Shrimpscales 10. stangmus 11. cindygao0217 12. Mr Blue Panda 13. Merth 14. mbenjamin16 15. DETAquarium 16. 9thdragon 17. Lukeo85 18. Soothing Shrimp 19. Duff 20. Roborep1 21. sewoeno 22. RyeGuy411 23. r45t4m4n 24. Fishprinceofca 25. miwu 26. lind 27. Greenteam 28. robt 29. Junglefowl
  7. Monty, very impressive what you did. Congrats! You may want to rethink your name for your white shrimp though. There's already a shrimp named Crystal White that looks like this:
  8. The super red crs? They were bred backwards. They may look like low grades, however breeders decided to take well defined crs and breed the red to cover more area. No low grades were involved. A very slow process and took years. heh A really good super red will cost $$$. I'm trying to do it in reverse of what they did. I've taken low grades and trying to cover them with red. The difference is my red is thin and I have to work on pigment density. Theirs started with great opaqueness and worked from there. Two different methods to try to get to the same result.
  9. I've been looking for those, and can't find them.
  10. Mine eat snowflake and flake. The cooler weather here has amped up their breeding, too.
  11. It's not easy. I can sex them when they are large enough (~1") a majority of the time. But even then, they are so small the differences can be missed.
  12. That's what I have, but I overbought by accident. I have the higher watt version for larger tanks.
  13. Small cracks in color, so high grade sakura IMO
  14. pfffffffffft. LOL Know nothing. I thought they were cool looking fish when AL10 first got them, so I looked them up.
  15. pssssssst They are mostly part of the Eastern US. Latin name Etheostoma fusiforme
  16. I have a brown thumb, so I won't enter- but I just wanted to say thanks for doing this Miwu!
  17. Protein film can be eliminated by a bubbler. Cloudy water is either bacterial or a precursor to green water. Either way, a UV pump will clear it up within a couple days.
  18. Here's the link to put in manually if interested. It's an aquarium building calculator: theaquatools.com/building-your-aquarium
  19. Ah, I bet you are not using a pc to view the forum, are you? For some reason links are goofy in this forum when using a cell for instance.
  20. Cool. My son used to be a hardcore minecrafter, so it will be interesting to see what he thinks.
  21. Not sure why. Works fine for me. Just checked.
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