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Soothing Shrimp

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Posts posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. Feeding day today, and I'm trying the new product B-Leaves by Tantora.  100% organic, which I like.  Most of the ingredients are leaves-  moringa leaves, papaya leaves, amaranth leaves, ivy gourd leaves, vitamins, mulberry leaves, noni leaves, ginkgo leaves, catappa leaves, guava leaves, gotu kola leaves, miracle grass, and so on. It comes in stick form.


    I tried feeding it to my crays, neos, Malawas, TaiTibs, TB, etc. today to see how they would react to it.  It is a new food for everyone, so I figured it may be so-so until they get used to the idea. I admit, sometimes my animals just don't like a new food.  Par for the course.


    I was pleasantly surprised though.  Results were really good.  ALL animals accepted it readily.  In fact, in a couple tanks there were fights to get to it. LOL  It will go on my regular rotation now. :-)


    The food sticks are a little long for my liking, but they are easily broken by hand to the proper size needed.  If everyone liked it, and that's my only complaint.  I'll take it.


    If you are having problems locating it, the only sponsor from here I was able to find it so far was Han (H4N). 


    I've attached some pics of some food mobs...well...just because I like pics. LOL




  2. I hear ya.  Good job dumping the water.  Several things can cause bacteria outbreaks.  Dirty water, a rise in temperature, and even shrimp from a different source can carry bacteria from their last tank in their system.


    The bacteria from adding shrimp is rare, but occasionally it does happen.

  3. Interesting you should post this. Years ago my yellows kept dying out.  I bought hundreds of dollars of yellows over time, and if I looked at them funny they would drop dread.


    Out of desperation I crossed my yellows with reds thinking I would have to cull, but at least I would have heartier yellows.


    To my surprise, I wound up with yellows and reds with very few wilds.  Others have tried to replicate what I did and they wind up with a majority of wilds, which leads me to believe color is located at more than one spot.  Depending on the strain, color may reside at a different location.


    For instance red may be located at spot 1 or spot 2.  Spot 1 would yield wilds when crossed because they conflict with another color, while spot 2 may be dominant over another color because it does not conflict.


    This is only my theory, but so far- you seem to be the only one whom has recreated my experiment.  All this is under uncontrolled conditions, of course.  So the best we can say is this is a theory.

  4. I used to use baking soda for my red card project.


    It would raise and hold the ph for about 3 weeks then the ph would slowly drop again.


    Some things to know though- I had a 10g tank, worked with tiny measuring spoons (equivalent perhaps to hand pinches,) and was only bringing my ph up about .3


    So, your results may differ from mine.

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