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Soothing Shrimp

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Everything posted by Soothing Shrimp

  1. If garden is correct, you will wind up eventually with BR, BV, RR and BBRR.
  2. If it's the 250mg packet. just divide it in half.
  3. Planaria also burrow under soil. Personally, I'd leave the seed shrimp alone. It's not doing any harm, and is a sign of a good ecosystem. Products like AE actually encourages small animals to flourish too. If you have many planaria, after 3 days you can do a second dose for those that are coming out of the soil/eggs. Then after that second 3 days is up, do a water change as some ammonia may be released from the dead planaria. From my experience, shrimp will be fine. Be sure to take some water from your tank and put it into a measuring cup. Mix the powder and water, and then pour it in. The water will fog, but it will clear. Some people have had good results from the product "no planaria," however from the posts I have seen it's a mixed bag. Some have had deaths of young shrimp from it, some haven't. So I haven't messed with it myself.
  4. LOL I have plenty of copapods in most of my tanks already. I like them. Besides cleaning up, when they die, they make great protein meals for the shrimp. Now, planaria are to be gotten rid of. I know from firsthand experience they will kill shrimp. .1g fishbendazole (fenbendazole) per tenner will do it. But turn off the light for the first day as it degrades in light. Take out any nerites or mystery snails. It's deadly to them.
  5. Thanks for the tip. First try I did my fem alleni in a 3g, and dropped in the male. I walked away for a few minutes and when I returned she had killed the male. I have no idea how some people can do it with plastic shoe boxes.
  6. Izzy! You made it! Welcome here. This is a great forum with many of us encouraging secrets to be shared for best shrimp husbandry and breeding. I think you'll really like the members and forum here.
  7. Congrats! Are you going to keep the diamond tank a rainbow of colors, or are you going to pick one color to breed for? Also, what's your procedure for breeding alleni?
  8. Stever R does. Check out his thread: http://www.shrimpspot.com/index.php?/topic/2104-sulawesi-golden-crown-shrimp-breeding-project/?hl=%2Bcaridina+%2Bsulawesi
  9. That's a bacterial infection then. White is the decaying tissue from within. Nothing to worry about unless your colony gets it, and hopefully it never will. However. IF your colony ever gets it, we'll all help at that point. That's what friends on the forum are for.
  10. With BP, one of teh only things to be concerned about is if you see their middle start turning paper white. Other than that, relax and enjoy your shrimp.
  11. Han's custom made filter guards are handmade. I've tried other kinds and they rusted and the edge isn't folded over. He gets the highest recommendation from me on those.
  12. Again, why do you think it is not working? How many drops have you tried?
  13. I saw this vid as well. Drilling a hole in your tank in under 3 minutes:
  14. Why not just keep it and use as needed? It ought to last you years without going bad.
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